Page 38 - Course Catalog 2018-2019 (UPDATED 1-25-18)
P. 38

Applied Arts

               sound,  lighting,  camera  operation,  and         discussions, and in depth critiquing of student
               producing) throughout the course.  As part of      made and professional videos.
               the  independent  film,  students  will  have  a
               chance  to  explore  topics  that  interest  them
               individually or as a group and push the limits     Computer Programming
               of    their   film   making     skills   and
               creativity.  Students will also  advance their     with Visual BASIC
               skill  and  understanding  during  this  course    Grades 9-12
               through    professional    readings,   class       Course Number 635
               discussions, and in depth critiquing of student    Semester Course - 0.5 credit
                                                                  Prerequisite:  Mathematics 1
               made and professional videos.                      Estimated Fee:  $15.00
                                                                  Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical
               Advanced Digital Media                             Career:  A,B,E,F,H,P
               Production 2 Self-Paced
               Grades 10-12                                       This  course  provides  the  student  with  an
               Course Number SP621                                opportunity to utilize the micro-computer in
               Full Year Course - 1 credit                        the solution of both mathematical and non-
               Prerequisite:  Advanced Digital Media Production &   mathematical  problems.    The  student  is
                 recommendation                                   introduced to the computer language called
               Estimated Fee: $30.00
               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical          Visual BASIC and is taught how to program
                 Education                                        in  this  object-oriented  language  in  order  to
               Career:  A,B,E,F,H,P                               communicate  with  a  micro-computer.    The
                                                                  prerequisite,  Mathematics  1,  may  be  taken
               The students who sign up for this year-long        concurrently.
               class  must  have  successfully  completed
               Advanced     Digital   Media    Production.        Computer Programming
               Students will This year long course builds on
               the  foundation  of  knowledge  from  the          with Java
               previous  three  Digital  Media  courses,  by      Grades 9-12
               offering students the opportunities to direct      Course 636
               and produce the weekly video show that they        Semester Course - 0.5 credit
               created  segments  for  in  Adv.  DMP  I  and      Prerequisite:  Computer Programming with Visual
               create  and  produce their  own  independent       Estimated Fee:  $15.00
               film.  As part of the video show, students will    Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical
               demonstrate  their  understanding  of  all  the      Education
               different  aspects  of  production  (director,     Career:  A,B,E,F,H,P
               sound,  lighting,  camera  operation,  and
               producing) throughout the course.  As part of      In  Computer  Programming  with  Java
               the  independent  film,  students  will  have  a   students  learn  the  Java  programming
               chance  to  explore  topics  that  interest  them   language.  This is a hands-on course in which
               individually or as a group and push the limits     students write computer programs in one of
               of    their   film   making     skills   and       the most popular programming languages in
               creativity.  Students will also  advance their     the world.
               skill  and  understanding  during  this  course
               through    professional    readings,   class

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