Page 43 - Course Catalog 2018-2019 (UPDATED 1-25-18)
P. 43

Applied Arts

               Family and Consumer Science Courses

               Cooking and Creating                               management  strategies.    This  course  is

               Grade 9-10                                         designed to help students meet the challenges
               Course Number 666                                  of daily life with confidence.
               Semester Course - 0.5 credit
               Prerequisite:  None                                Child Development 1
               Estimated Fee:  $45.00
               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical          Grades 10-12
                 Education                                        Course Number 662
               Career:  A,B,F,H,P                                 Semester Course - 0.5 credit
                                                                  Prerequisite:  None
               This  semester  course  offers  students  the      Estimated Fee:  None
               opportunity to expand their experience in the      Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical
                                                                    Education Majors
               areas of cooking and sewing.  Students will        Career:  A,B,F,H,P
               examine a variety of textiles and learn to use
               the  sewing  machine.    Construction  of  a       This  one-semester  course  focuses  on
               project  using  the  sewing  machine  will         practical problems related to parenting roles
               conclude  the  sewing  experience.    A  small     and responsibilities, taking responsibility for
               additional  cost  for  sewing  supplies  and       personal  growth  within  the  parenting  role,
               projects does apply.  Students will have the       preparing  for  parenthood,  building  positive
               opportunity to prepare foods using a variety       parent-child  relationships,  using  guidance
               of kitchen equipment.  The semester will end       and  discipline  to  promote  self-discipline,
               with the preparation of an entire meal.            self-esteem,   and   socially   responsible
                                                                  behavior  in  children  and  adolescents,
               Life Skills                                        accessing sources  of parenting information,

               Grades 9-10                                        support,  and  assistance  and  planning  ways
               Course Number 664                                  that  families  and  society  can  share  in
               Semester Course - 0.5 credit                       nurturing children and adolescents. You will
               Prerequisite:  None                                be required to care for a computerized baby
               Estimated Fee:  $15.00                             for a full weekend.
               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical
                 Education Majors
               Career:  A,B,E,F,H,P

               This  course  is  designed  to  help  students
               explore  all  aspects  of  life:    personal
               development, decisions affecting their future,
               lifestyle   options    and    consequences,
               relationships  with  family  and  friends,
               marriage,  parenting,  balancing  family  and
               work,  dealing  with  family  crisis  and
               managing family living.  Students will learn
               to deal with the realities of life throughout the
               entire  life  cycle.    The  students  will  benefit
               from  a  class  that  teaches  everything  from
               interpersonal  skills  to  practical  money

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