Page 44 - Course Catalog 2018-2019 (UPDATED 1-25-18)
P. 44

Applied Arts

               Child Development 2                                Clothing and Design
               Grades 10-12                                       Self-Paced
               Course Number 663
               Semester Course - 0.5 credit                       Grades 10-12
               Prerequisite:  Child Development 1                 Course Number SP649
               Estimated Fee:  None                               Semester Course - 0.5 credit
               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical          Prerequisite: Fashion and Accessories
                  Education Majors                                Estimated Fee:  $25.00
               Career:  A,B,F,H,P                                 Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical
               This  course  is  a  continuation  of  the  topics   Career:  A,B,E
               covered  in  Child  Development  1.    This          This more extensive study of clothing
               course  covers  the  emotional,  social,  moral,   construction will complement those students
               physical,  and  intellectual  development  of
               children  ages  3-12.    This  class  consists  of   who excelled in their Fashion and
                                                                  Accessories projects.  Intermediate
               surveys, projects, and observation as well as      construction skills will be further developed
               basic classroom work.  This would be a great       and refined to help create and complete two
               course for anyone who plans to have a career       higher-level construction projects.  A more
               working with children.
                                                                  concentrated look at figure analysis, pattern
                                                                  selection and basic principles of pattern
               Fashion and Accessories                            altering will help the student create
               Grade 10-12                                        individualized projects.
               Course Number 650
               Semester Course - 0.5 credit
               Prerequisite:  Cooking and Creating or
                 recommendation                                   Food and Nutrition with
               Estimated Fee:  $30.00
               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical          Physical Education
                 Education                                        Grades 10-11
               Career:  A,B                                       Course Number CC739
                                                                  Semester Course - 0.75 credit
               This  comprehensive  study  of  clothing  and      Prerequisite:  None
               accessories  will  interest  those  who  are       Estimated Fee:  $71.00
               fascinated  with  trends  of  the  past  and       Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical
               projections  of  the  future  in  the  fashion     Career:  A,F,H,P
               industry.  This course is designed for students
               who have the desire to create.  New hand and       This semester course is a cooking class with
               machine sewing skills will be introduced and       an emphasis on preparing healthier meals and
               used to help develop the students’ creativity      better  food  choices.    Lab  experiments  are
               in fashion and accessories.  Projects include:     supplemented  by  demonstrations,  lectures,
               a  recycling  project,  duct  tape  garment,  a    readings,  speakers,  and  audiovisuals.  This
               piecework wall hanging a weekly accessory          course  will  be  combined  with  Physical
               challenge, and a sweatshirt.                       Education  to  make  natural  connections  in
                                                                  curriculum throughout the semester

                                                                  Individual  sports  and  lifetime  recreational
                                                                  activities  are  offered  at  various  times
                                                                  throughout  the  year  to  provide  a  well-
                                                                  rounded course of study.  Students will have

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