Page 45 - Course Catalog 2018-2019 (UPDATED 1-25-18)
P. 45
Applied Arts
swimming. Individual physical fitness will International Flavor
be stressed as an integral part of each unit of Grades 10-11
instruction. A climate is established to Course Number 652
provide a safe setting for positive interaction Semester Course - 0.5 credit
among students. Prerequisite: None
Estimated Fee: $50.00
This course may be used to meet half of the Recommended For: College Bound/Technical
physical education graduation requirement Career: A,B,F,H,P
or may be taken twice to fulfill the physical
education graduation requirement. A desire to explore many cultures is a
necessary ingredient for this cooking course.
9 grade students must take at least 1 The people, culture, lifestyles and cuisine of
semester of PE within four years. Students foreign countries will be studied. The course
may then waive their other half of the PE consists of lab work, demonstrations, written
graduation requirement by completing two related materials and research of other
full seasons of athletics, cheerleading or countries. A strong desire to try new and
marching band. No credit or grade will be different foods is recommended.
earned for the Physical Education waiver.
Participation in athletics, marching band, or
cheerleading prior to the 2014-2015 school Chefery 1
year does not apply. Grade 12
Course Number 656
Semester Course - 0.5 credit
Interior Design Prerequisite: None
Estimated Fee: $55.00
Grades 10-12 Recommended For: College Bound/Technical
Course Number 651 Education
Semester Course - 0.5 credit Career: A,B,F,H,P
Prerequisite: None
Estimated Fee: $30.00 Chefery 1 is a food preparation course with
Recommended For: College Bound/Technical an emphasis on technique and theory. Class
Career: A,B,E time is used for actual preparation of food.
The course is designed to touch on many
Introduction to the foundation principle and areas of food preparation to help young men
skills of housing and interiors. This course and women prepare meals in an independent
addresses both interior and exterior design living situation. We will discuss how our
and introduces students to the phases of the food and diet has changed over time as well
design process. Concepts include historical, as explore the latest food issues that affect
cultural, governmental and technological Americans. This course must be taken before
factors that influence housing. An aptitude Chefery 2.
for design is recommended.