Page 49 - Course Catalog 2018-2019 (UPDATED 1-25-18)
P. 49


               Required English Courses

               English 1                                         English 1 Honors with
               Grade 9                                           United States History
               Course Number 131
               Full Year Course - 1 credit                       Honors
               Prerequisite:  None
               Estimated Fee:  None                              Grade 9
               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical         Course Number CC139
                 Education                                       Full Year Course - 1 credit
               Career:  CORE                                     Prerequisite:  Recommendation
                                                                 Estimated Fee:  None
                                                                 Recommended For: College Bound
               English 1 is the study of various nonfiction and   Career:  CORE
               literary  genres.    The  course  is  designed  to
               foster an appreciation for the readings as well   English 1 Honors covers areas of composition,
               as to study the fundamentals of composition.      grammar, oral communication, and literature, as
               This course addresses the mastery of the Ohio     does all ninth grade English.  The honors class,
               Learning  Standards  in  areas  such  as  literary   however, is both accelerated and enriched with
               devices,  vocabulary,  grammar,  and  speaking    regard to content, thus covering more material
               and listening. While there are no fees for the    with  more  depth.    In  addition,  students  are
               course,  students  will  be  required  to  obtain   expected to demonstrate in their writing a greater
               copies of the four major literary works that will   degree  of  sophistication  in  content  and  style.
               be studied during the school year.                Moreover,  students  are  expected  to  work
                                                                 independently and be motivated intrinsically.
               English 1 Honors                                    U.S. History in the 20th Century Honors is a
               Grade 9                                           more  rigorous  and  in-depth  study  of  the
               Course Number 139                                 material  covered  in  the  regular  U.S.  History
               Full Year Course - 1 credit
               Prerequisite:  Recommendation                     class.   Emphasis    will   be   placed   on
               Estimated Fee:  None                              improvement  in  essay  composition,  analysis
               Recommended For: College Bound                    and interpretation of original source materials,
               Career:  CORE                                     as well as assessing the relevance, reliability,
                                                                 and  importance  of  other  types  of  historical
               English 1 Honors covers areas of composition,     evidence. This course is recommended for all
               grammar, oral communication, and literature, as   students  planning  to  enroll  in  future  Social
               does all ninth grade English.  The honors class,
               however, is both accelerated and enriched with    Studies  Advanced  Placement  offerings.
               regard to content, thus covering more material    Emphasis on the skills and knowledge needed
               with  more  depth.    In  addition,  students  are   to pass the end of course exam will also be a
               expected to demonstrate in their writing a greater   major focus of the course.
               degree  of  sophistication  in  content  and  style.
               Moreover,  students  are  expected  to  work      The  curriculum  in  these  courses  will  be
               independently and be motivated intrinsically.     combined  to  draw  natural  connections
                                                                 throughout the year.

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