Page 80 - Course Catalog 2018-2019 (UPDATED 1-25-18)
P. 80


               Mathematics 3                                      Mathematics 3 CP

               Grade 11                                           Grade 11
               Course Number 351                                  Course Number 352
               Full Year Course - 1 credit                        Full Year Course - 1 credit
               Prerequisite:  Mathematics 2                       Prerequisite:  Mathematics 2 and Recommendation
               Estimated Fee:  None                               Estimated Fee:  None
               Recommended For:  College Bound or Technical       Recommended For:  College Bound or Technical
                 Education                                          Education
               Career:  CORE                                      Career:  B,E,F,H

               It is in Mathematics 3 that students pull          This course covers the same content as Math
               together and apply the accumulation of             3 but is designed for students that struggled
               learning that they have from their previous        in Math 2 and need additional support.  A
               courses. They apply methods from                   graphing calculator is required for this
               probability and statistics to draw inferences      course.
               and conclusions from data. Students expand
               their repertoire of functions to include           Mathematics 3/4
               polynomial, rational, and radical functions.
               They expand their study of right triangle          Accelerated
               trigonometry to include the unit circle.           Grade 11
               Finally, students bring together all of their      Course Number 353
                                                                  Full Year Course - 1 credit; Honors weight
               experience with functions and geometry to          Prerequisite:  Mathematics 2 or Mathematics 2 Honors
               create models and solve contextual                   and Teacher Recommendation
               problems.  A graphing calculator is required       Estimated Fee:  None
               for this course.                                   Recommended For:  College Bound
                                                                  Career:  CORE

               Mathematics 4 Honors                               This course will cover the same content as
               Grade 11                                           Math 3 and also the major concepts form
               Course Number 359                                  Math 4.  The content is covered at an
               Full Year Course - 1 credit
               Prerequisite:  Mathematics 3 Honors and            accelerated pace in order to make sure that
                 Recommendation                                   all content is covered in one school year.
               Estimated Fee:  None                               This course is intended to give incoming
               Recommended For:  College Bound                    juniors that took Math 2 or Math 2 Honors
               Career:  B,E,F,H                                   as a sophomore the essential background
                                                                  needed to be able to enroll AP Calculus AB
               Mathematics 4 Honors is the fourth course          as a Senior. Only juniors may enroll in this
               in the honors program sequence.  All topics
               covered in the Mathematics 4 course are            course and teacher permission is required. A
                                                                  graphing calculator is required for this
               included in this course plus additional work       course.
               in parametric equations, polar equations,
               number theory and derivatives and integrals
               as a preparation for the AP Calculus BC
               course.  A graphing calculator is required for
               this course.

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