Page 100 - Course Catalog 2019-2020 (updated 2-4-19)
P. 100

Social Studies

               American Government                                AP United States

               Option                                             Government and Politics
               Grades 12                                          Grade 12
               Course Number OPT261                               Course Number 269
               Full Year Course - 1 credit                        Full Year Course - 1 credit
               Prerequisite:  None                                Prerequisite: Recommendation, AP U.S. History
               Estimated Fee:  $20.00                               recommended
               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical          Estimated Fee:  $22.00 and A.P. Test Registration
                 Education                                        Recommended For:  College Bound
               Career:  CORE                                      Career:  CORE

               American Government is a comprehensive             With recommendations from and the
               course required of all seniors.  The course        approval of the College Board, the Advanced
               utilizes the foundations established by            Placement Government and Politics course
               previous social studies courses and builds         work models a semester college course in
               from these a more thorough understanding           Economics.
               of current affairs and problems of our
               society and the world.  The first semester is      The Advanced Placement American
               devoted to an examination of political             Government course is designed to give
               theory, political parties, elective machinery,     students a critical perspective on politics and
               the political structure, and how it works.  It     government in the United States.  This
               also looks at the individual rights and civil      course involves both the study of general
               rights of Americans long with the court            concepts used to interpret American politics
               system.  Emphasis is placed on current             and the analysis of specific case studies.  It
               political issues, elections, and problems          also requires familiarity with various
               facing America. Skills and knowledge to            institutions, groups, beliefs, and ideas that
               pass the end of course exam will also be a         make up the American political reality.  In
               focus.                                             addition, this course is designed to help
                                                                  advanced students take the advanced
               The second semester studies the economic           placement college exam in May to help
               system of the United States, basic economic        obtain college credit. Students enrolled in
               concepts, and personal financial literacy.         this course are required to take the A.P.
                                                                  exam in May.

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