Page 102 - Course Catalog 2019-2020 (updated 2-4-19)
P. 102
Social Studies
Elective Social Studies Courses
American History through AP Economics
Film Grades 10-12
Course Number 289
Grade 11-12 Full Year Course - 1 credit
Course Number 276 Prerequisite: Recommendation
Semester Course - 0.5 credit Estimated Fee: $22.00 and A.P. Test Registrations
Prerequisite: United States History and World Recommended For: College Bound
History Career: A,B,E
Estimated Fee: None
Recommended For: College Bound/Technical
Career: A,P With recommendations from and the
approval of the College Board, the Advanced
Students will examine Hollywood feature Placement Economics course work models a
films and historical dramas as historical semester college course in Economics.
evidence. Students will view movies on AP Macroeconomics and AP
various American history topics and Microeconomics are elective courses
compare film evidence to information from designed to give students a thorough
more traditional sources, such as news understanding of the principles of
articles, texts, primary sources, and critical economics that apply to an economic system
commentaries. as a whole and at the individual firm level.
The course places emphasis on the study of
The intent is to give students more practical product and factor markets, while analyzing
critical analysis experience. Film will be the government’s role in preventing market
used to motivate students to study important failure. Focus is also placed on calculation
American history themes and topics with of national income and price along with a
more depth and detail than in core history concentration on developing a familiarity
courses. with economic performance measures,
economic growth, and international
economics. The course will also include
units of study on the role of money and
banking, fiscal, and monetary policies, as
well as supply and demand in a market
economy. Students will take two AP Tests
in May, Microeconomics and
Macroeconomics, which can be accepted as
college credits. Students enrolled in this
course are required to take the A.P. exam in