Page 124 - Course Catalog 2019-2020 (updated 2-4-19)
P. 124


               Senior Search                                       service project with a goal of remediation

               Grade 12                                            of the problem, and an evaluation of the
               Course Number G031                                  value of the project with implications for
               4  quarter course – 0.0 credit                      further study.
               Prerequisite:  Must have enough credits to meet
               graduation requirement, at least a 70% or higher in all   Special details about the senior search program
               classes by the end of the third quarter, carry a 2.0 GPA   will be provided to interested seniors after the
               for first semester, no more than 10 absences for the
               school year (without medical excuse), no more than   start of second semester.
               seven unexcused tardies per quarter, and no out of school  A student cannot be paid during the work
               suspensions.                                    experience, nor can he/she participate in the
               Estimated Fee:  None                            Senior Search program with a business or
               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical       organization in which a relative is an owner,
               Career:  A,B,E,F,H,P                            manager or employee.

               The senior search program is designed to
               provide seniors with the opportunity to intern  Wildcat Focus

               on meaningful projects of their own selection   Grade 9
               and design.  The program operates during the    Course Number 994 or 995
               final four weeks of the senior year, starting   Full Year Course – 0.0 credit
               after progress reports are issued, and ending on   Prerequisite:  none
                                                               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical
               Honors Day.  Students will drop all classes and   Education
               work on the project a minimum of six hours      Estimated Fee:  $15.00
               per day. Students enrolled in AP courses will   Career:  Core
               begin the project after their respective exams.
                                                               Wildcat Focus is a comprehensive program
               Project Design                                  which provides the freshmen students with a
               Acceptable projects generally fall into three   supportive, friendly, environment, provided
               categories:                                     under the guidance of upperclassmen peers that
                                                               eases the transition from middle school to high
               1.  An empirical study relevant to career       school. Special emphasis is placed on aiding
                   technical objectives, which involves an     students with the social and academic
                   evaluation of the student’s work            components of adjusting to high school life.
                   experience.                                 The program is required and is a full year class.
                                                               Freshmen students take this class during half of
               2.  An internship, which entails shadowing,     their lunch period and will have opportunities
                   training, and the completion of various     with their mentors to explore what Mayfield
                   tasks or projects directly related to career   has to offer and take advantage of the
                   objectives.                                 opportunity to get acclimated to the
                                                               environment of Mayfield High School.
               3.  An involvement in a community problem,
                   which encompasses defining the problem
                   and its importance to the community’s
                   well-being.  This involvement needs to
                   include a case study of the problem, a
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