Page 104 - Walter B. Gibson Knots And How To Tie Them
P. 104
The Disentangled Scissors
More than 50 years later. a writer
named Cramer supplied a more
detailed version of the String and
Scissors trick, called "The Disen-
tangled Scissors,"in his book The
Secret Out. People have been doing
the trick ever since.
This is an old but capital trick. A
piece of string is fastened to the scis-
sors, as shown, and both the ends of
the cord are held by the hand or tied
firmly to a post or other immovable
object (fig. 1).
To remove the sci.5s0rs from the
cord, take the loop end of the string
and pass it through the upper handle
as shown by the dotted line. Let the
loop be carried still further towards
the lower handle. unlil it is passed
complete around the scissors (fig. 2),
you then can remove them, as the
string will slip easily through the
fig. 1
---- ...
-- -.... ~\
" \\
(~ , '
~~ " "
, ,
, ,
' ... ..... ----- --::J
... _-----
fig. 2