Page 108 - Walter B. Gibson Knots And How To Tie Them
P. 108
Knollhe Rope
H~rt: is another seemingly impossi~
ble trick - to tie a knot in the middle
of a rope with both ends tied around
yOUT wrists!
The trick requires a light rope at
least 3 feet long. Have someone tie
the ends around your wrists, with a
length of rope between then. Then
proceed as follows: Turn your back,
take a loop of the rope between the
wrists and force it up under the band
encircling the left wrist. Give this
loop a twist and pass it over the hand
(fig. 1), down the wrist, and back
under the band again. A knot will
appear on the rope between the wrists
(fig. 2).
fig. 2