Page 30 - Parent/Student Handbook
P. 30

d. No excessive public displays of affection. DIFFERENTIATED COURSES
Padua Franciscan offers a select group of courses with differentiated instruction for students for whom the academic departments have some concern about the student’s skill level, particularly as entering freshmen. These courses offer the same content as the “regular” curriculum, with strong emphasis on foundational material. These courses typically have a smaller student-teacher ratio. Course assignments, activities, and assessments will be differentiated according to student needs. Department recommendation is required, taking into consideration available standardized testing and related assessment data, often in consultation with the School Psychologist. Specific questions and concerns may be discussed with the Counseling Department. In addition, Department Chairs are available at the time of incoming freshman registration for direct consultation with parents. Individual classes are described in the current edition of the Course Catalog, which is also available at the Padua Franciscan website.
These courses are not to be confused with our curriculum for students with specific learning disabilities, where students receive appropriate accommodations and/or curricular modification in English and/or entry-level Algebra. Only students with an active individual services plan are assigned to these classes. Matters of ISP are governed by applicable federal and state law. Inquiries may be directed to the Coordinator of Services for Students with Disabilities in the Counseling Department.
Padua Franciscan High School cites the following principles as a basis for our various policies, rules, and regulations:
1. Respect for the laws of God as taught by the Roman Catholic Church;
2. Respect for the common good - whether this be the rights of a particular group (a class,
team, homeroom) or the entire school community;
3. Respect for the rights of the individual;
4. Respect for self;
5. Respect for the building, grounds, and facilities;
6. Respect for the organizations and individuals outside of the school.
Alcohol and Drugs
Padua Franciscan High School has a strict policy with regard to the bringing of illegal drugs to school. This includes the building, grounds, and other off-limits areas. Even first time offenders who violate this policy likely will be dismissed.
Drug sniffing dogs or other controlled substance detecting devices may be used to detect the presence of drugs or other controlled substances on school grounds (i.e. lockers, individuals, vehicles, etc.) or at school sponsored functions.
The use of alcohol and other controlled substances, whether on school property or at any school- sponsored activity, is also a serious matter, so serious enough to warrant suspension, probation, or dismissal by the school. Activities that would lead to such consequences include:
1. the use, possession, or sale of alcohol
2. behavior which indicates that a student is under the influence of a controlled substance
3. the possession of drug paraphernalia
Members of the school's staff or those acting in the name of the school are responsible for the enforcement of the alcohol or illegal drug policies of the school regarding the use, possession, sale, and behavior which indicates that a student is under the influence. A breathalyzer test may be administered by a police officer. If a breathalyzer test is not available for the determination of being “under the

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