Page 32 - Parent/Student Handbook
P. 32

and family members before and after school, EDs will be permitted on the premises under the following conditions:
• Except for the chrome book, if the ED is on or used between 8:00 a.m. and 2:29 p.m. this will result in the forfeiture of the device and a double detention. (First Offense) Parents will be given the choice of picking up the device or having it returned to the student after school. Subsequent offenses in the same school year will result in loss of privileges to have the ED on campus, a Saturday detention, and the device will be released to the student’s parent/guardian only.
• Necessary use of an ED during school hours can be arranged through the Attendance
Office. Such use must occur in the Attendance Office and in the presence of Attendance Office personnel or an administrator.
• If it is necessary for a parent/guardian to contact their son/daughter during school hours, a message may be left with the school receptionist at (440) 845-2444.
Classroom Policies
It is the right and responsibility of the teacher to establish policies and procedures in the classroom. Padua teachers insist upon proper conduct at all times in the classroom.
Disciplinary action will be taken against any student who fails to cooperate with any teacher. Lunches, gym equipment, backpacks, duffel bags and jackets are not to be brought into the classroom.
Closed Campus
Padua operates under the "closed campus" system. Once a student arrives in the morning, he/she may not leave the building until the final dismissal bell or he/she has received official authorization from the Office of the Assistant Principals. Should a student leave campus during the school day without the proper authorization, the action will be considered truancy.
Detention System
A student may be given a detention for those lesser offenses that violate the rights of others - students, teachers, the school, the community - or which are a hindrance to the smooth and effective operation of the school.
A few examples, but not a complete list of infractions warranting a detention, are:
• academic dishonesty (a double detention)
• disrespect for teachers (at least a double detention)
• discourteous behavior
• tampering with locks and security bars on school doors
• cutting classes (a double detention for each class cut)
• dress code violations
• improper bus behavior
• having matches or lighter on school premises (a double detention)
• arriving late to detention room
• not returning a detention stub, signed by a parent, to the detention room proctor
• failure to cooperate with parking lot and driving regulations
• failure to return school forms which must be signed
• excessive public displays of affection
• running in the halls and stairways
• eating outside the cafeteria
• taking food from the cafeteria
• disrupting class
• tardiness to school or class (Tardy Detention)
• littering

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