Page 31 - Parent/Student Handbook
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influence,” then that judgment will be made by a responsible adult; parents/guardians may discuss the judgment in a meeting with the Assistant Principal of Men or Women and the responsible adult.
In the process of enforcing these policies, the members of the school's staff or those acting in the name of the school observe the following procedures:
Based on policy, if it has been determined that a student is or has been under the influence, the first and immediate concern must be for the welfare of the student, after which:
1. During school hours
a. the student is taken immediately to the Office of the Assistant Principal of Men or Women. b. a written statement of the circumstances is completed
c. from this point, the situation becomes the responsibility of the Administration.
2. Outside school hours on campus or at a school-sponsored activity
a. the student is taken to a location which is closed from the mainstream of activity;
b. the Assistant Principal of Men or Women is notified in person, if he or she is present, or by phone;
if the Assistant Principal of Men or Women cannot be reached, another Administrator is notified; c. the parents/guardians of the student are notified by phone
d. if a student is judged to have used alcohol or drugs, he or she is to be held until the student can be released to the custody of his or her parents/guardians; if a parent or guardian cannot come, they will be released to the authorities; under no circumstances will such a student be released to the custody of other students;
e. on the next school day, a written statement of the circumstances will be submitted to the office of the Assistant Principal of Men or Women.
f. from this point, the situation is the responsibility of the Administration.
In the case of student use of alcohol or other chemical substances, the disciplinary sanctions will be at least a five-day suspension, a urinary drug screen, and the requirement of a professional assessment, the level of which will be designated by the school administration. The parents and student will be required to sign a release allowing designated school officials to consult with the assessment agency. Allowing for the discretionary judgment of the Principal, a recommendation of probation or dismissal may be made by the Disciplinary Review Board.
Parents/guardians are reminded that, according to Ohio law, they are held responsible for illegal drug usage (including alcohol) in their homes even if they are not at home at the time of the usage.
Therapeutic Help
A school administrator will provide referrals and resources to any student or a parent acting on behalf of a student, who seeks assistance with a tobacco, alcohol, or a drug problem. Efforts will be made to provide reasonable accommodations for academic response or therapeutic absence, if necessary. (Therapeutic Leave p. 9)
Building Restrictions
Students who abuse passes, cut classes, or are often in the halls during classes may be put on building restriction. This restriction is designed to keep the student in class and out of trouble.
Students on building restrictions should be in the halls only during the four minutes for changing classes. Passes will only be issued by an Administrator. Being in the halls without a pass or asking a non- authorized person for a pass will result in detentions.
Cell Phones (and other Electronic Devices)
Electronic devices (EDs), including, but not limited to, cell phones, smart watches, smartphones, e- readers, tablets, laptops, MP3 players, and iPods are an inherent distraction to the educational process and are not permitted during school hours. Recognizing the benefits of EDs for communication with parents

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