Page 58 - Padua Course Selection Guide 2022-23
P. 58
Through the Gospel mandate of Jesus Christ, we are called as Christians to take up our “basin and towel” to love and serve as Christ did. “For I have given you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you.” (John 13:15) Through the Christian service program, all students of Padua Franciscan High School are offered the gifts of humility and poverty in spirit as they follow the example of Saint Francis in loving service to others through Jesus Christ.
General Information:
Students are required to perform four years of Christian Service at Padua.
Students will receive specific requirements for each year through Campus Ministry orientations and Theology classes.
The following are general requirements of the program for freshmen:
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All freshmen will be required to turn in log sheets to receive credit for service performed. The sheet will include individual hours and total hours; supervisor signature (supervisor’s initials are required every time service is performed); contact number for supervisors, short description of service performed each time; student and parent signatures stating that all hours have been completed and properly logged on the sheet. The Campus Ministry staff will provide these sheets.
All students must turn in completed forms by the date established and prior to the end of the first, second, and third quarter.
On report cards and transcripts, students will receive a Pass/Fail grade based on the completion of the required service. Service will be required for graduation but will be recorded as a zero credit “class” on transcript.
Students who fail to fufill their service requirement will not be allowed to matriculate through Padua.
All freshmen will complete 20 hours of Christian service:
• 10 hours of service to their family.
• 10 hours to serve Padua or the student’s church/parish.
• Students will be required to complete a quarterly reflection in Theology class, which will constitute 10% of each
quarter grade.
All sophomores will complete 4 visits/minimum of 1 hour per visit to one or more organizations serving people in the following area:
• 1 visit must be completed, appropriately documented, and turned in to Campus Ministry by the date established and prior to the end of the 1st quarter.
• 2 more visits must be completed, appropriately documented, and turned in to Campus Ministry by the date established and prior to the end of the 2nd quarter.
• 1 more visit must be completed, appropriately documented, and turned in to Campus Ministry by the date established and prior to the end of the 3rd quarter.
• Soup kitchen/hunger center; food pantry/food bank, homeless shelter/drop-in center, handicapped/disabled facility/hospital
• Each student will complete a written reflection assignment during the second semester theology class.
• Students are encouraged to do the service with a partner.
• Students will be required to complete a quarterly reflection in Theology class, which will constitute 10% of each
quarter grade.