Page 59 - Padua Course Selection Guide 2022-23
P. 59
All juniors will participate in Community service to the “marginalized”.
• Students will make eight visits, at a minimum of one hour per visit, to an agency that has been approved by the
service coordinator. A list of previously approved service sites will be provided to the students.
• Students must complete all eight visits at two service sites at most.
• After selecting service site, each student must meet with the site supervisor and sign a site service
agreement form.
• 2 visits must be completed, appropriately documented, and turned in to Campus Ministry by the date established
and prior to the end of the 1st quarter.
• 3 more visits must be completed, appropriately documented, and turned in to Campus Ministry by the date
established and prior to the end of the 2nd quarter.
• 3 more visits must be completed, appropriately documented, and turned in to Campus Ministry by the date
established and prior to the end of the 3rd quarter.
• Students will be required to complete a quarterly reflection in Theology class, which will constitute 10% of each
quarter grade.
• Students are encouraged to do the service with a partner.
All seniors will fulfill the Christian Service requirement through working on a class advocacy project in the Living as Disciples of Jesus Christ in Society (Elective C) course.
• A major aspect of the Social Justice course is preparing students to speak in solidarity with those whose voice is marginalized or unable to be heard in society. Therefore, seniors will participate in an ADVOCACY PROJECT where they will:
1) research and study an injustice affecting people who are poor and vulnerable
2) learn and understand the Catholic Social Teaching, and
3) design and participate in a social action that gives a voice to those who are oppressed.
• Each class will choose issues to research in depth, and students will work together on the design and completion of
the act of advocacy.
• Individually, students will complete research assignments and a final reflection paper on their advocacy
• The research paper satisfies the service obligation and is worth 25% of each quarter grade.