Page 60 - Padua Course Selection Guide 2022-23
P. 60
Alg 1A: Math 9 (557 S) Alg 1B: Math 10 (563 S) Geom: Math 11 (521 S) Concepts: Math 12 (530 S)
INTERVENTION PROGRAM (Gr. 9, 10, 11, 12)
LD English
English 9 (216S) English 10 (225S) English 11 (239) English 12 (249)
Math Language Arts
Math 9, 10, 11, 12 1 Credit English 9, 10, 11, 12 1 Credit
This program is designed for those students who have been identified in need of special education services according to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act or IDEA. While most program participants come to Padua Franciscan already qualified under IDEA, some students may be referred for testing either based on the entrance placement exam administered to all freshmen or on referral by the student's assigned counselor. Based upon a review of the student's records, classroom observation, teacher and parent information, and assessment results, a recommendation for placement in the Learning Disabilities Program might be made. It is important to note that to qualify for a learning disabilities class, the student must have documentation of both averages to above-average intelligence and a discrepancy between ability and actual achievement in one or more of the seven basic areas: (1) math calculation, (2) math reasoning, (3) reading comprehension, (4) basic reading skills, (5) oral expression, (6) written expression, and (7) listening comprehension.
Qualified students are scheduled into appropriate LD classes. Credit toward graduation is granted for LD classes. All LD classes are approved for NCAA eligibility.
The English program is comprehensive and parallels the Regular English curriculum, grade by grade, adapted as necessary to meet the needs of each student per their IEP (Individualized Education Plan). Students completing this program will fulfill the minimum required college-preparatory English core requirements upon graduation. Students receive their English instruction in a self-contained classroom from a licensed Intervention Specialist qualified to teach high school English. Supplemental skill development, as appropriate, may be provided by Padua’s licensed Speech-Language Pathologist, in which case students will be required a daily study hall. Students may also be required to enroll in the “Reading Enhancement” course as freshmen, if students have reading as an identified area of need. Starting with freshman year, students will create the initial pieces of their 4-year career writing and professional communication portfolio, which will be finished their senior year.
The Math program is comprehensive and parallels the math track that includes Algebra IA, Algebra IB, Geometry, and Mathematical Concepts. This Math program is taught by a licensed Intervention Specialist qualified to teach high school mathematics. The focus of this math program is both to bolster fundamental math skills and to master foundational Algebra and Geometry concepts.
As with the Learning Disabilities program above, students enrolled in this program must first qualify for assistance in accordance with provisions of IDEA and have an active IEP for a speech-language disability. While most program participants come to Padua Franciscan already qualified under IDEA, some students may be referred for testing either