Page 17 - Horizon Elementary Literary Submissions 2022
P. 17

  Lurking Eyes Watch My Every Move
Lurking eyes watch my every move,
When I sob, when I laugh, they see me. I see Lurking Eyes observing and judging.
They see through me, they see my pain and sorrow, my pain and ignorance, my love.
They judge my every move. Every day. Every hour. Every Minute.
They see my failures and push that back to me.
Lurking Eyes look towards the darkness of hatred.
They push me into the darkness of hatred.
That darkness is brighter than the sun keeping me up. Its rays fill my consciousness with the need for something I don’t know I want
Am I not good enough for you Eyes?
Am I to stay awake and look into the blinding darkness of Hell on Earth?
Lurking Eyes watch my every move. Watching and Judging.
Watching my clueless mind trap myself in an ongoing trap until the day I die.
They watch, and they listen
Mady H. Saint Charles Borromeo Mr. Jon Vasey Eighth Grade

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