Page 20 - Horizon Elementary Literary Submissions 2022
P. 20

  Why is life a race?
Life moves way too fast
We don’t even understand our pasts
Our lives move on
And then we’re gone
With not even a trail-blazed path
With all the quickening, kicking, clattering chaos all around We forget all the things needed to be found When society slaves our slacking selves away
We say “Oh, it’s just one bad day”
I say life’s like a race through a field
When we see something nice we don’t even yield
We keep on going, wasting all of our power
Just to not stop to take a look at the flowers
Like a boat trying to get out of a storm
We try to run fast to become the “social norm”
All of us are taking our lives too fast
But one day, we’ll run out of gas
Use your voice
Try to be heard
You don’t want to die without saying a word
We can’t wither away
Our lives are just like one day
We look at all the time that’s passed
Then we ask,
“What if this day is our last?”
Drew K. St. Mary School–Berea Mr. Jones Eighth Grade

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