Page 9 - Horizon Elementary Literary Submissions 2022
P. 9
The Mirror
Elena walked into her apartment in New York City. It was 1:00am and Elena just got back from a party. Elena walked up to her mirror and stared, she sighed. "MOMM!" shouted Teddy "You've been staring at that mirror forever!” Ella looked at herself, but she didn't see Elena; she saw someone who had a messy bun, comfy clothes, and an exhausted face. She saw Elena everytime she looked in that mirror. "Mom, could you help me brush my teeth?" shouted Anna "be right there!" Ella shouted back. After 15 minutes of wrangling Teddy(7) and Anna(5) she finally got them in their room. "Tell us a
story mom." Anna asked. She sighed "Fine, there once was a woman who lived in a sho-." "No, tell us a good story!" shouted Anna and Teddy. “Alright... 1,000 years ago on this day something peculiar happened. There was a princess named... Elena. She wore jeans and t-shirts and believed in something they say is more dark than black magic. The princess said every time she looked in her old mirror she didn't see herself, but rather a witchy figure. She had much longer black hair than Elena and she wore a smoky color dress and she had a small happy smile on her face. Every time Elena saw her she got a chill, but Elena's face made her smile even when she first saw her Elena smiled even though she was terrified. Other than that Elena lived a pretty normal life in her castle with her family. Elena was 22 years old and had 3 siblings who didn't care for Elena because they all cared about themselves. It was the 3rd of December (“Thats today" Ella said to the kids )and Elena wanted to prove to her family that she was not crazy, so she gathered her family and brought them up to her room where the mirror was. “This is the mirror I am talking about." Elena said. Her mother's eyes opened wide, but quickly looked away so nobody would notice. “This is the mirror? Ugh, I thought it was like some new one that was made of gold not... silver." Her older sister Hananah said while rolling her eyes. Elena rolled her eyes and said "Yes, yes it is.” “Come on, just prove you're not mad or something." Her brother Dom said. "Ok, so watch as I look into this mirror, I am going to get a chill, but then I will smile." Elena said as she turned toward the mirror. Her family got a little closer to Elena as she looked into the mirror. Elena got a chill and smiled. Her family gasped except for her mother. “Oh my gosh, you really aren't mad.” Dom said, “Move over, I want to look in it!" Her little sister Layla said, Layla looked into it and said "All I see is something like a smoky color." "See!" Elena shouted. “It's probably haunted or something! We should bring it to the town to see what people think of it and what they see!" Her family started chatting about it while her mom looked white as a sheet. "Elena, I have to tell you something. If you please.” Her mother looked at the rest of the family and they walked out. “What's up mom?" Elena asked, "Well I've been waiting for you or one of your siblings was ready. "Her mother sighed. “Alright, the "women” you said you have been seeing is really your great great grandmother Alma. When she was about my age she got very sick and prayed for days she wouldn't die. Instead she was cursed or blessed to be trapped in this mirror and ever since she has been there.” It was silent for a minute. "Mom, why didn't you tell us?” “Because you needed to be ready. To not only care about yourself or the crown, but now you are." Their eyes started to water and they hugged. As they hugged Elena looked into the mirror and the women winked at her. "The end.” Ella said “Wow, how did you make that up mom?” Teddy asked. “Well lets just say I could see it clearly." Ella kissed Teddy and Anna goodnight even though Anna was already sleeping. Ella closed the door and walked toward her mirror and looked into it and said "Thank you." to Elena who smiled and disappeared. The only thing Ella saw was herself and she never saw Elena again.
Madeline K. Lakewood Catholic Academy Mrs. Meghann Campbell Sixth Grade