Page 10 - Horizon Elementary Literary Submissions 2022
P. 10

  I am from the handheld mirror from Pampers and baby wipes.
I am from creaky old floors
and scratched paint.
I am from the wildflower bouquets to the hostas in the backyard.
I am from the loud talking and late nights, from Petti and Flint.
I am from bubble beards and elf hats, From “Go to bed!”
And, “Get up!”
I am from Sunday mass and brunch.
I’m from Hillcrest and Santa Croce, Cioppino and hickory log BBQ. From my grandma's lost brother,
To meme, my sister’s first word.
The shelf in the living room, stacked high, with family albums remains a constant, reminder that those who leave,
we are never truly gone.
I am from the changing of seasons, that come and go but are always, there and never forgotten.
Where I’m From
Marin P. Lakewood Catholic Academy Mrs. Alli Metsch Seventh Grade

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