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Advancement News
One of the newest and most impactful traditions at Padua is Bruins Big Give – 24 Hours to Make a Di erence.
Bruins Big Give began in 2017 as a way to bring all facets of the Padua community – students, parents, alumni, faculty, sta and stakeholders near and far – together around a crucially important goal: to give from our hearts and ensure the future of our current students and those for years to come.
The day of giving centered on the most fun- damental of our traditions – the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi. In a short period of time, $108,396 was raised! This is a bench- mark for what our Padua community can accomplish when we simply put our minds toward an important goal.
Mark your calendars! The second annual Bruins Big Give will take place on Thursday, October 4, 2018. This amazing day of generosity will kick o the Franciscan Fund, which was created to help keep tuition a ordable while providing the gift of an exceptional education, in Holiness and Learning.
Please send address changes & all correspondence to: Padua Franciscan High School / O ce of Institutional Advancement 6740 State Road Parma, Ohio 44134 Tel: 440-845-8224 / Email: