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                  Jesus’s prayer teaching to his disciples began with "Our father" (Luke
                  11vs1), Jesus also prayed for himself starting with "Father" (Luke 23,

                  Mark 15:34, Matt 27:46).

                  Firstly, It is important to note that Jesus illustrated the type of

                  relationship he would want you and I to have with God.  Beloved, He
                  wants us to speak to our father in the same way we speak to our

                  earthly father. He wants us to speak to him with so much reverence,

                  so much respect and honour.

                  On the other hand, even if you were talking to your earthly father you

                  would talk with a familiar tone of voice because you can see him

                  physically. You would talk to your earthly father in a friendly manner
                  and with respect because there is a relationship by blood. That is

                  what he wants from us. He is always available and waiting for you to

                  come talk to him. Your earthly father might stop you from barging

                  into his room but God wants you to keep coming to him at all times.

                  God loves and cares for us, he is interested in the tiniest detail of our

                  lives. He knows you by name, he knows why he made you a member

                  of your family, he knows the circumstances of your birth, he knows
                  your mistakes, he knows your pain and what you have been through

                  in life. He knows !!! For his word says we are not illegitimate children

                  of God, beloved, you and I are legitimate children of God because

                  he is the only father we have by covenant. ( John 8:42)
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