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P. 4

The hour has come.

     John 7:30 ;They were seeking to arrest him, but no one laid a hand on him, because his hour
                                             had not yet come.

      John 2:4; And Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does this have to do with me? My
                                    hour has not yet come.”

                     when you think of the word "the hour has come", it mostly means the end of
                     life, or retirement. However, this is not what Jesus meant when he said  the
                     words "the hour has come". He was speaking of the time he had been

                     looking forward to all his life. Throughout His ministry, Jesus continually
                     refers to this hour. 

                     In the beginning of John, we have the story of the first miracle in Cana of
                     Galilee when he turned the water into wine. There his mother came to him

                     and said, Son, they have no wine, and his answer was, Woman, what have I

                     to do with thee? Mine hour is not yet come, (John 2:3-4). Jesus could

                     decern that his hour had come for him to be glorify.

                     Our hour has come! when we look at the worlds state, we need to

                     understand that the time has come for us to make the most important
                     decision of accepting God in our lives and living according to what he has

                     proposed for us. This is the reason why Jesus died and is resurrected, for us
                     to live a better life, to prosper and succeed in whatever we lay our hand
                     on. Jesus' obedience to the point of death proved that we could be faithful

                     to God under any test or trials (Phil 2:8).

                     All the gifts and talents that you are bestowed, this is the time to use them.
                     We need to glorify God through our talents, gifts and abilities. We are
                     chosen to represent Christ. Our time has come to become more for Christ!
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