P. 20
Dinda Erliananda Teaching Materials – SMA Class XII – Enumeration Rules
1. In a school a student will be selected to take part in a mathematics competition. If in
the final selection stage there are 8 male students and 7 female students, how many
ways to choose students to take part in the competition are...
A. 7 C. 15
B. 8 E. 56
C. 15
2. To go to city A from city B there are several types of transportation that can be used.
There are 3 buses, 2 ships, 1 airplane and 1 train to choose from. There are many
different ways to get to city A from city B using this vehicle.
A. 5 D. 8
B. 6 E. 9
C. 7
3. City K and city L on alternative 4 roads. City L and city M in by 5 alternative roads. If
one travels from city K to city M via city L, the number of routes one can take is...
A. 9 D. 20
B. 12 E. 24
C. 16
4. The value of n that satisfies the equation
A. 1 D. 4
B. 2 E. 5
C. 3
5. In a hospital waiting room there are 9 chairs in a row that will be occupied by 5 men
and 4 women. If men and women are each in groups so that only 1 man and 1 woman
sit side by side on the chair, the number of ways in which the seating arrangement is...
A. 120 D. 181.440
B. 2.880 E. 362.880
C. 5760