P. 23

Dinda Erliananda                           Teaching Materials – SMA Class XII – Enumeration Rules


                    1.Multiplication rule

                       If  an  event  consists  of  n  successive  stages  in  which  the  first  event  can  be
                       performed  in  a  different  way  and  each  of  these  ways  is  continued  by  a  second
                       event that can be performed in a different way, and so on until the event can be
                       performed in a different way, then the event is can be done together with           
                                    different way.

                    2. Addition rule

                       If an event occurs from n independent stages where the first event can be done in
                       different ways and each of these ways is continued by a second event that can be
                       done in a different way, and so on until the event can be done in a different way,
                       then the event This can be done together with                           different way.

                    3. Permutations are different arrangements that can be formed from n elements, which
                       are taken from n elements or some elements.

                    4. Factorial notation
                                                              for n positive numbers
                                and 0! = 1

                    5. Permutations with all the different elements

                    6. Permutations with several different elements

                                              , for       

                    7. Permutations with some of the same elements




                       (i) the same elements are not distinguished



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