Page 219 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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                  The order of salvation is  also made clear in Ep. 2:8-9   Consider the World before  the Flood. Ge. 6:3 --  “And
               -- “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not   the  LORD said,  My  spirit  shall not  always strive  with
               of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any   man, for  that  he also is  flesh: yet  his  days shall be an
               man should boast.” Faith is the means  whereby  we are   hundred and twenty years.”
               saved;  it is the hand  that  reaches out  to accept  God’s   God strove with men before the flood and had Noah
               Gift.                                             preach  to them for 120 years  while the ark was being
                  What, then, does  2 Th. 2:13 mean, when it says we   built, but they resisted God and rejected his warning.
               are  chosen  to  salvation  “through  sanctification  of  the   Consider Israel  of Old. Ro. 10:21 -- “But to Israel he
               Spirit  and belief  of the truth”? In  light of  the previous   saith, All day long I have stretched forth my hands  unto
               passages, it is  obvious  that  this  verse is not  stating the   a disobedient and gainsaying people.”
               exact  order  of  things.  We  have  already  learned  that   We  see  that  God  wanted  to  save  Israel  and
               belief of the truth precedes the new birth. At the same   continually  reached  out  to  them,  but  God’s  salvation
               time, from  God’s perspective  the  sanctification  of  the   was resisted and rejected.
               Spirit  and the belief of  the truth  occur  simultaneously.
               Though  we  are  saved  through  faith,  that  faith  is   Consider  Israel  of  Christ’s  Day.  Mt.  23:37  --  “O
               exercised  in  the  context  of  the  Spirit  of  God   Jerusalem,  Jerusalem,  thou  that  killest  the  prophets,
               enlightening  and  drawing  and  convicting  and  finally   and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often
               regenerating  and  sanctifying.  It  would  therefore  be   would  I have gathered thy children together, even as  a
               humanly impossible to separate the “belief of the truth”   hen  gathereth  her  chickens  under  her  wings,  and  ye
               from the “sanctification of the Spirit.”          would not!” John 5:40  “And ye will not come to me, that
                                                                 ye might have life.”
                  The  Bible  vs.  the  Calvinist  Doctrine  of  the  Total
                                                                   Here  we  see  that  the  sovereign  will  of  the  Son  of
               Depravity of Man                                  God, who desired to  save Israel throughout her history
                  The  Bible teaches  that  man  is  morally  corrupt (Je.   and who often sent His prophets to her, was refused.
               17:9; Ro. 3:10-18) and dead in trespasses  and sins (Ep.
               2:1) and spiritually blind (1  Co. 2:14), but  it nowhere   Consider the Unsaved of our Day. 2 Co. 4:3-4 -- “But if
               teaches that man cannot respond to the gospel. When I   our  gospel  be  hid,  it  is  hid  to them  that  are  lost:  In
               have challenged Calvinists  to  provide me with even one   whom the god  of this  world hath blinded the minds  of
               verse that  says man  is dead  in  trespasses  and  sins  in   them which  believe not, lest  the light  of  the  glorious
               SUCH  A  MANNER  that  he  cannot  even  believe  the   gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine
               gospel,  they  have  never  provided  such  a  verse.  One   unto them.”
               suggested Ephesians 2, but  nowhere does  Ephesians  2   Here  we see that  men  are blinded  because of  their
               teach  such  a  thing.  One  has   to  read  the  Calvinist   own unbelief and they  are lost  because they  reject  the
               doctrine of “total depravity” into the Scripture.   gospel. It is God’s  sovereign will to save every sinner (1
                  The  Bible teaches, rather,  that God  enables  men  to   Ti. 2:3-4; 2 Pe. 3:9), but sinners can resist Him.
               respond, giving them light (Jn. 1:9), drawing them (Jn.   Consider  the  Unsaved  during  the  Reign  of  the
               12:32),  convicting  them  (Jn.  16:8),  calling  them   Antichrist. 2 Th. 2:10-12 -- “And with all deceivableness
               through  the  gospel  (Mk.  16:15-16;  2  Th.  2:14),  and   of  unrighteousness  in  them  that  perish;  because  they
               commanding  them to repent  (Acts 17:30)  and  believe   received not  the love of the truth, that  they  might  be
               on Christ (Acts 16:31).                           saved. And  for  this  cause God  shall  send  them strong
                  The Bible vs. the Calvinist Doctrine of Irresistible Grace  delusion,  that  they  should  believe a lie:  That  they  all
                                                                 might be damned  who believed  not  the truth, but had
                  Consider Cain. Ge. 4:6-7 -- “And the LORD said unto   pleasure in unrighteousness.”
               Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why  is thy countenance
               fallen? If  thou doest well, shalt  thou not be accepted?   Why  will these sinners  perish? The reason  is stated
               and  if thou doest  not  well, sin  lieth  at the door. And   plainly,  and  it  is  not  because they  are not  among  the
               unto thee shall  be his  desire, and thou shalt  rule over   elect  and  is   not  because  they  were  sovereignly
               him.”                                             reprobated.  It  is   because  they  resist  the  gospel  and
                                                                 reject the truth.
                  God spoke to  Cain and urged  him not to act on  the
               jealous  anger  that  was burning  in  his  heart,  and  yet   The  Bible  vs.  the  Calvinist  Doctrine  of  Limited
               Cain resisted God’s  will and murdered his brother. God   Atonement
               gave Cain  a  clear  choice.  There is not  a  hint  in  this   God loves all men (Jn. 3:16).
               passage  that  would  make  us conclude  that  God  had   God has commanded that the gospel be preached to
               predetermined that Cain be reprobate.             every person (Mark 16:15).
                                                                   God wants to have mercy upon all men (Ro. 11:32).

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