Page 214 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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                  Whenever,  therefore,  one  tries  to  state  TULIP   among  God’s   people  because  of  dogmatizing  his
               theology and then refute it, there are Calvinists who  will   philosophizing about God’s sovereignty  and election. If
               argue with you that you are misrepresenting Calvinism.   men  were  left  simply  to   believe  the  Bible’s   own
               It  is   not  so   much  that  you  are  misrepresenting   statements  on these matters and if men were not forced
               Calvinism, though. You might be quoting directly from   to  decide  between  the  man-made  theologies  called
               various   Calvinists  or  even  from  Calvin  himself.  The   “Calvinism”  and  “Arminianism,”  the  Christian  world
               problem  is   that  you  are  misrepresenting  THEIR   would  be  much  better  of  and  many  artificial  and
               Calvinism!  There  are  Calvin  Calvinists   and  Andrew   unnecessary divisions would not have resulted.
               Fuller  Calvinists   and  Arthur  W.  Pink  Calvinists  and   The Bible says “prove all things; hold fast that which
               Presbyterian Calvinists and Baptist Calvinists  and many   is  good” (1 Th. 5:21). The Bible itself is the test of truth,
               other  sorts  of  Calvinists.  Many  Calvinists  have  never   not some man’s  systematic  theology. I have the right and
               read  Calvin’s   Institutes  of  Christian  Religion for   responsibility  to test every  theology by the Bible, and I
               themselves.  They  are  merely  following  someone  who   am free before the Lord to  reject any part of it or  all of
               follows  someone who allegedly follows Calvin (who, by   it.  I  do  not  have  to make  a  choice  between  human
               his own admission, followed Augustine).           theologies. I can stand strictly  and exclusively upon the
                  Calvinists  believe that they have the right to reject or   Bible  itself, the SOLE  authority  for  faith  and  practice.
               modify  some parts of or  conclusions of  Calvin. I  agree   Many  Calvinists  won’t allow that, though. James  White,
               with them 100%, and I say, further, that we also have the   author  of  “The  Truth  about  the  King  James   Bible
               right to reject the entire thing if we are convinced that it   Controversy”  and  “The  Potter’s  Freedom”  and  several
               is not supported by Scripture!                    other  books, wrote to  me in  about  the year  1999 and
                  5. It is not wise to follow John Calvin; he was unsound   challenged  me  to  a  public  debate.  He  urged  me  to
               at the very foundation of the Christian faith. Calvin never   “defend Arminianism.” That is  a strange notion, because
               gave a testimony of the new birth; rather  he identified   I  don’t  follow  Arminianism and  I  don’t  care  anything
               with  his  Catholic  infant  baptism.  Note  the  following   about  Arminianism.  I  have  studied  the  theology  of
               quotes from his Institutes:                       James  Arminius  some  and  I  find  errors  in  it  just  as  I
                  “At whatever time  we are  baptized, we  are washed and   have found errors in John Calvin’s  theology. Though I do
                  purified once for the whole of life” (Institutes, IV).   believe  that  Arminius  was  closer  to   the  truth  than
                  “By baptism we  are ingrafted into the body of Christ ...   Calvin, this does  not mean that I have any intention to
                  infants are to be baptized ... children of Christians,  as   “defend  Arminianism.”  White  has  the  idea  that  is  so
                  they are  immediately on their birth received by God as   typical among Calvinists  that if a man is not a Calvinist,
                  heirs  of  the  covenant,  are   also  to  be  admitted  to   he is surely an Arminian.
                  baptism” (Institutes, IV).                       This   idea  actually  began  with  Calvin.  He  treated
                  Calvin was  vicious  toward his enemies, acting more   those who  disagreed  with  his  position  on  election  as
               like a devouring wolf  than a harmless  sheep. Historian   enemies of  God  and  the  gospel and  would  not  admit
               William Jones observed that “that most hateful feature   that  men  can  reject  Calvinism  and  still  believe  God’s
               of popery  adhered  to Calvin  through  life, the spirit of   Word!  From  the  time  that  I  was   saved  by  God’s
               persecution.”  Note  how  he  described  his  theological   marvelous  and  free grace 32  years ago until this  very
               opponents: “...all that filth  and villainy...mad  dogs  who   day, I have wanted to understand the will of and to be a
               vomit their filth against the majesty of God and want to   faithful servant of Jesus  Christ through God’s preserved
               pervert  all  religion.  Must  they  be  spared?”  (Oct.  16,   Word,  the  Scriptures.  As  best  as I  know  how,  I  have
               1555). Calvin hated  the Anabaptists, though they  were   made  that  my  sole  authority.  I  enjoy  systematic
               miles  closer  to  the  Scriptural  pattern  for  the  New   theology; I  have taught a course in  Bible doctrine in  a
               Testament  church  than  he  was.  He  called  them   new  Bible  college  that  helped  establish  in  South  Asia
               “henchmen  of  Satan.”  Four  men  who  disagreed  with   and  have  published  a  book  on  Bible  Doctrine  or
               Calvin on who should be admitted to the Lord’s  Supper   Theology, but I test all of the various  theologies  with the
               were beheaded, quartered, and their body parts  hung in   Scriptures  alone, and  I  have  never  agreed  completely
               strategic locations  in Geneva as a warning to others. He   with any man’s systematic theology.
               burned  Michael  Servetus  (for  rejecting infant  baptism   I  praise  God  that  I  am  not  under  any  divine
               and  for  denying  Christ’s   deity).  Calvin  wrote  about   obligation to follow either Calvinism or Arminianism.
               Servetus, “One should not be content with simply killing   SOME GOOD THINGS ABOUT CALVINISM
               such people, but should burn them cruelly.”
                                                                   Though I do  not agree with Calvinist theology, I can
                  6. God does  not require  His  people to choose between   readily  admit  that  there  are  many  good  things  about
               Calvinism  or  Arminianism!  I  am  convinced  that  John   Calvinism, especially if it is contrasted with the shallow,
               Calvin  has  caused  great  and  unnecessary  divisions

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