Page 210 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               were  driven  out.  The  New  Kingdom,  also   called  the   EL SHADDAI. A combination of the Hebrew words  el
               Empire, followed  the  expulsion  of the Hyksos.  It  lasts   (God)  and  shaddai  (Almighty)  (Ge.  17:1-8;  28:2-3).
               from about 1570 to  1078 BC. These kings worshiped the   Sometimes  Shaddai  is  used  alone  (Job  6:4,  14;  Ps.
               god Amun, whom they considered  to be identical with   68:14). This  means the powerful God. Contrary to what
               the earlier sun-god, Re, and therefore often referred to   some  commentaries  claim  and  what  we  erroneously
               as   Amun-Re.  A  multitude  of  other  gods   were  also   taught in previous  editions  of this encyclopedia, the Old
               worshiped in Egypt, but the priests  of Amun-Re became   Testament  Hebrew  word  (shadday)  translated
               so  important that eventually a very  large proportion of   “Almighty”  in  the King  James  Bible has nothing to  do
               the land of Egypt came to be the property of the temples   with  the breast. The Hebrew word shadday  is  from the
               of the god Amun. The 18th dynasty includes a series  of   word  “shadad,”  which  means   “to  be  burly,  i.e.
               great  rulers,  a  number  of  whom  went  by  one of  two   (figuratively)  powerful  (passively ,
               names:  Thutmose  or  Amenhotep.  This  was  a  time of   impregnable)”  (Strong).  We  agree  with  the  following
               Egyptian  military  prowess,  and  the  erection  of  great   study from George Pember: “In order to  corroborate the
               monuments  and temples. The 19th dynasty (about 1303   doctrine  (of  sex  in  deity)  just  mentioned,  certain
               to 1197),  even  more  than  the 18th,  was a  period  of   Theosophists have  invented  a  new  derivation  for  the
               great building. Largely as  a result of the activities  of the   Hebrew  Shaddai,  which  in  our  versions   is   correctly
               kings  of these two dynasties, tremendous  ruins  stand at   rendered  ‘Almighty.’  They  suppose  it  to  be  connected
               Thebes today,  making  it the great  outdoor  museum of   with a word shad, which signifies  a woman’s breast. But
               the world. There were a series of kings  named  Ramses   such  a derivation is impossible, and, so far  as  we  are
               (or  Ramesses).  Ramses  II,  also  known  as  Ramses  the   aware, has  never been proposed by an unbiased scholar.
               Great, built more temples and erected more statues and   More  than  one  Christian  scholar  has  taken  up  this
               obelisks than any  other pharaoh in history. Between the   Theosophical derivation of Shaddai, and  explained  the
               7th  and  4th  centuries  BC,  Egypt  was  harassed  and   word  as   meaning  first  ‘full-breasted,’  and  then
               sometimes  partly  conquered  by  the  Assyrians,  the   ‘bountiful’” (Pember, The Church, the Churches, and the
               Babylonians,  and  the  Persians.  In  332  Alexander  the   Mysteries). [See God, Jehovah, Jesus Christ.]
               Great conquered Egypt, and after his  death a year later,   ELADAH (God is ornament). 1 Ch. 7:20.
               one of  his  generals,  named Ptolemy,  seized  Egypt and   ELAH (oak). Ge. 36:41.
               established a dynasty  that continued for three centuries
               (adapted  from MacRae, Biblical Archaeology, 2005, pp.   ELAM  (youth).  “Elam  in  prophecy  refers   to  the
               9, 10). EGYPT IN THE BIBLE: The first mention of Egypt   country stretching east from the Lower Tigris, answering
               in the Bible is  in Genesis  12 when Abraham went there   to what was afterwards called Persia. Later, Elam was a
               to escape the famine in Canaan. That was  about 1900   province  of  Persia  (Ezr.  4:9).  In  Sennacherib’s  time,
               BC and Egypt was  already  a bastion of  pagan idolatry.   Elam  was  subject  to  Assyria  (2  Ki.  18:11),  and  so
               Egypt  stands for  the  devil’s  fallen  world  system,  and   furnished a contingent to its invading armies. Famed for
               going “down to  Egypt” has always  signified backsliding.   the bow (Is. 13:18; Je. 49:35), in which the Ethiopians
               Israel  was  perpetually  in  danger  of  the  dark  spiritual   alone excelled them” (Jamieson, Fausset, Brown).
               influence  emanating  from  her  powerful  southern   ELASAH (God is doer). Ezr. 10:22.
               neighbor,  just  as   the  churches  are  in  danger  of  the   ELATH (palm grove). De. 2:8.
               world’s  influence today. It was  to Egypt  that Jacob and   EL-BETHEL (god of the house of God). Ge. 35:7.
               his  sons  moved to escape the great famine after Joseph   ELDAAH (whom God called). Ge. 25:4.
               became vice-ruler. Israel dwelt in  Egypt for  more than   ELDAD (God is a friend). Nu. 11:26.
               200  years   before  departing  under  the  leadership  of
               Moses  in  about  1490 BC  (Ex. 1-12).  Egypt  was often   ELDER. (1)  Old  age (Ge. 27:42). (2) Mature older
               used  by  God  to  judge  Israel  during  the  time  of  the   men;  heads  of  families;  men  of  repute  who  serve  as
               Judges and the Kingdom. [See also Mizraim, World.]   leaders  (Ex.  3:16).  (3)  An  office  in  the  church  (Ac.
                  EHI (unity). Ge. 46:21.                        14:23;  20:17; 1  Ti. 5:17, 19; Tit.  1:5;  Ja.  5:14;  1  Pe.
                                                                 5:1). [See Pastor.] (4) The 24 elders  of Revelation 7. C.I.
                  EHUD (strong). 1 Ch. 7:10.                     Scofield gives several compelling reasons for identifying
                  EKER (root). 1 Ch. 2:27.                       these  elders with  the  church.  We  know  that  Scofield
                  EKRON (naturalization). Jos. 13:3.             uses the term “church” in the sense of a universal body
                  EL  (the mighty  one). A name for  God  (Job  5:8; Ps.   composed of all believers. We would  use the term here
               22:1; 29:1). It is also  used for false gods  (Ps. 81:9; Da.   in a general, institutional sense, or  of a future heavenly
               11:36). [See God, Idolatry, Jehovah, Jesus Christ.]  assembly  instead:  (a)  Their  position.  They  are
                                                                 enthroned  ‘round  about’ the rainbow encircled  central
                                                                 throne.  To the  church  and  to  the  church  only  of  all

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