Page 208 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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EBEH. Boats made of papyrus—light and swift (Job refuses to practice biblical separation. The Bible teaching
9:26) (Smith). of separation forbids God’s people from fellowshipping
EBER (beyond). Great-grandson of Shem, from with error (Ro. 16:17-18; 2 Co. 6:14-18; 11:1-4; Ga.
whom the Hebrews were named (Ge. 10:21, 24, 25; 1:8-9; Ep. 4:14-15; 5:11; Ph. 3:1-2; Col. 2:8; 2 Th. 3:6;
11:14-17; 1 Ch. 1:18-25) (Smith). 1 Ti. 1:3; 1:18-20; 6:3-5; 6:20-21; 2 Ti. 2:16-21; 3:5,13;
EBENEZER (stone of help). 1 Sa. 4:1. Tit. 1:10-13; 3:9-11; 2 Pe. 2:1; 3:17-18; 2 Jn. 7-11; Jude
EBONY. The true ebony is native to the coast of 3; Re. 2:2, 6, 14-16, 20-23; 18:4). (2) True Christian
unity is God-made, not man-made (Ep. 4:1-6). John
Malabar and Ceylon. This elegant plant furnishes 17:21 is often used by ecumenists as a proof text for
valuable materials for inlaying; its fine-grained wood their objectives, but they fail to point out that Jesus was
being sometimes black, gray, or green (Eze. 27:15) not instructing Christians to create some sort of
(Smith). ecumenical unity; he was praying for God the Father to
EBRONAH (bank, coast). Nu. 33:34. create a spiritual unity. The unity Christ prayed for is
ECCLESIASTICAL. Pertaining to the church. [See one based on truth and the Word of God (Jn. 17:6, 8,
Church.] 14, 17, 19), whereas the ecumenical movement
ECCLESIOLOGY. The doctrine relating to the church. downplays the importance of truth and doctrine. (3)
[See Church.] The ecumenical movement downplays the local church and
ECUMENICAL MOVEMENT, ECUMENISM. The exalts inter-church and inter-denominational
prevailing philosophy of the last days which desires that relationships. The local church is the entity which Christ
all professing Christians join together in unity regardless established for the fulfillment of His program in this
of doctrinal integrity. “Ecumenical” means worldwide, age. Christian unity is primarily a local church matter (1
universal. The ultimate goal of the ecumenical Co. 1:10; 12:25-27; 2 Co. 13:11; Ph. 1:27; Ro. 12:16;
movement will be to bring all religious groups together 15:5-6). (4) Ecumenical groups are often trying to
into one worldwide entity, in sympathy, if not in substitute social and political endeavors for Christ’s
organizational unity. command of world evangelism and church planting. The
The ecumenical movement takes many forms. (1) Great Commission, which is repeated five times in
There is THE MODERNISTIC ASPECT of the ecumenical Scripture (Mt. 28; Mk. 16; Lk. 24; Jn. 20; Ac. 1),
movement, represented by the World Council of instructs the churches to preach the Gospel and to
Churches at the global level, national councils on the disciple converts to the end of the age. The Apostles and
national level, and clergy associations on the local level. early churches took this Commission seriously and
(2) There is THE EVANGELICAL ASPECT, represented by dedicated themselves EXCLUSIVELY to this task. The
interdenominational parachurch organizations, nations in which they labored were full of social ills and
fellowships, and mission organizations. Examples of needs, but there is no hint in the Scripture record that
Evangelical ecumenism are Campus Crusade for Christ, the Apostles gave any attention to remedying such
Youth With A Mission, Lausanne Committee for World problems. They were dedicated to preaching the Gospel
Evangelization, and the World Evangelical Fellowship. and seeking to win the lost to Christ before it was
(3) There is also THE CHARISMATIC ASPECT of the eternally too late. To have turned aside for any other
ecumenical movement. While there are exceptions task, no matter how seemingly helpful to humanity,
among some old-line Pentecostals, the Charismatic would have been the gravest disservice to mankind for
world, for the most part, focuses on experience above there is no other institution on earth that can do what
doctrine and seeks to unite every sort of denomination. the churches are tasked to do. (4) Ecumenical groups are
An example of this was the North American Congress on promoting unbiblical ideas about women’s liberation.
the Holy Spirit & World Evangelization, held in New They are teaching that women can be pastors and
Orleans, July 1987. More than 40 different leaders in the churches. In ecumenical circles you often
denominations and groups were represented at this find the same clamoring for “equal rights” as we find in
congress. Of the 40,000 in attendance, one-half were the world. The Bible says the man and woman are not
Roman Catholic, and a Catholic mass was held each equal in position. They were created for different
morning. None of the more than 200 Charismatic purposes and different positions in this world (1 Ti.
speakers lifted a voice against doctrinal heresy. Many of 2:9-15; 5:14; 1 Co. 14:34-35; Tit. 2:3-5). (5) Ecumenical
the most popular Charismatic leaders were there. groups do not have high moral and doctrinal standards.
Sadly, it is common to find drinking, smoking, cursing,
Errors of the Ecumenical Movement. Though the immodest dress, dancing, homosexuality, and various
ecumenical movement is very broad, there are certain other forms of immorality among ecumenical Christians.
unscriptural traits which are present throughout: (1) The cry of the hour is “liberty” and “self-esteem,” and
The ecumenical movement downplays doctrinal purity and those who call for strict Bible standards of morality are
208 Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity