Page 205 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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                  EARING. Plowing (Ge. 45:6; Ex. 34:21).           Dec. 23, 1972, Nicaragua, 10,000
                  EARLY. (1) In  the morning (Da. 6:19). (2) Quickly   Apr. 25, 2015, Nepal 10,000
               (Ps. 46:5). (3) First in the season (Ja. 5:7).      Aug. 17, 1976, Mindanao, Philippines, 8,000
                  EARNEST. (1)  A  down  payment  (2  Co. 1:22). The   July 28, 1981, Kerman province, Iran, 8,000
               indwelling  Holy  Spirit  is  God’s   guarantee  to  the   Sept. 19, 1985, Mexico City, 7,000
               Christian  of  full,  eternal  salvation  (Ep.  1:14).  (2)   Aug. 5, 1949, Pelileo, Ecuador, 6,000
               Sincere;  zealous;  urgent;  expectant  (Ro.  8:19;  2  Co.   Nov. 24, 1976, Van, Eastern Turkey, 6,000
               7:7). [See Eternal Security, Holy Spirit.]          Dec. 28, 1974, Pakistan (9 towns), 5,200
                  EARTHQUAKE.  A  shaking  of  the  earth.  There  are   June 28, 1948, Fukui, Japan, 5,131
               several earthquakes  recorded in the Bible (1 Ki. 19:11; 2   April 10, 1972, Southern Iran, 5,057
               Ch.  26:16;  Is.  29:6;  Am.  1:1;  Ze.  14:5;  Mt.  27:45,   May 21-30, 1960, Southern Chile, 5,000
               51-54; 28:2; Is. 29:6). Jesus  foretold  that  earthquakes   Dec. 22, 1943, Ladik, Central Turkey, 4,000
               would  increase  as  the  time  of  His return  approaches
               (Mt. 24:7). The  prophecies  of  Revelation  describe  the   Feb. 1, 1944, Bolu-Gerede, Northwestern Turkey, 4,000
               great  earthquakes  of the very  last  days  (Re. 6:12; 8:5;   Dec. 30, 1942, Niksar-Erbag, Northern Turkey, 3,000
               11:13, 19; 16:18). About 2.5 million people have died   June 11, 1981, Kerman province, Iran, estimated 3,000.
               in  earthquakes  since  1900;  more  than  830,000  died   Mar. 2, 1933, Japan, 2,990
               between 2001 and 2015 (        Aug. 18, 1966, Varto-Hiniz, Eastern Turkey, 2,964
                  Worst Earthquakes since 1900                     Nov. 23, 1980, Southern Italy 2,735.
                  Jan. 12, 2010, Haiti 316,000                     July 2, 1957, Northern Iran, 2,500
                  Dec. 26, 2004, Sumatra 227,000                   Sept. 6, 1975, Lice, Eastern Turkey, 2,312
                  July 28, 1976, Tangshan, China, 242,000          Apr. 13, 2010, China 2,200
                  May 22, 1927, Nan-shan, China, 200,000           May 21, 2003, Algeria 2,200
                  Sept. 1, 1923, Tokyo, Japan, 140,000             Dec. 21, 1946, Honshu, Japan, 2,000
                  Dec. 16, 1920, Kansu, China, 100,000             June 10-17, 1956, Northern Afghanistan, 2,000
                  May 12, 2008, Sichuan, China 87,000              Dec. 13, 1957, Western Iran, 2,000
                  Oct. 8, 2005, Pakistan 86,000                    August 1912, Gallipoli (Dardanelles), 1,950
                  Dec. 28, 1908, Messina, Italy, 83,000            April 19, 1903, Malazgirt, Eastern Turkey, 1,700
                  Dec. 26, 1932, Kansu, China, 70,000              Mar. 28, 2005, Sumatra 1,300
                  May 31, 1970, Northern Peru 70,000               Sep. 30, 2009, Sumatra 1,100
                  Feb. 4, 1976, Guatemala, 38,000                  [See Prophecy, Revelation.]
                  Dec. 26, 1939, Erzincan, Turkey, 37,000          EAST GATE. [See Gate.]
                  Dec. 26, 2003, Iran 31,000                       EASTERN  ORTHODOXY.  That  branch  of
                  May 31, 1935, Quetta, India, 30,000            sacramental  Christianity  which  broke  off  from  the
                  Jan. 24, 1939, Chillan, Chile, 30,000          Roman Catholic Church in 1054 A.D.
                  Jan. 13, 1915, Avezzano, Italy, 29,980           History: Until 1054 the Eastern and the Roman were
                  Sept. 17, 1978, Tabas, eastern Iran, 25,000    two  branches  of  the  same  sacramental  body.  The
                  Dec. 15, 1988, Armenia, Soviet Union, at least 23,000  division  began  when  the  Roman  emperor  Constantine
                  Feb. 4, 1976, Guatemala, Honduras 22,934       moved  his capital from Rome to Constantinople in 330
                                                                 A.D.  Powerful  church  leaders   claimed  authority  over
                  Mar. 11, 2011, Japan 21,000                    large regions  and were vying for supremacy. There was
                  Aug. 16, 1906, Valparaiso, Chile, 20,000       the bishop of Rome in the West, and four  patriarchs  in
                  Jan. 26, 2001, India 20,000                    the  East.  The  main  point  of  contention  between  the
                  May 10, 2004, China 20,000                     eastern and the western divisions  was  the papacy. More
                  Feb. 29, 1960, Agadir, Morocco, 15,000         important  than  doctrine  was  the  issue  of  power  and
                  Sept. 1, 1962, Northwestern Iran, 12,230       authority.  The  Eastern  Orthodox  rejected  the  pope,
                  Aug. 31, 1968, Northeastern Iran, 12,000       while retaining Rome’s sacramental system and most of
                  Jan. 15, 1934, Bihar-Nepal 10,700              Rome’s unscriptural doctrines.

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