Page 204 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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                  which  has  words  only  for  ‘grape  juice’  and  ‘strong   with  a Wycliffe mindset. I challenge you: Who has
                  liquor’?”                                      given man the permission of changing the Word of God?
                  “How  to  express theological  terms and concepts like   Who has  given such permission? God says, “Every word
                  ‘righteousness,’  ‘justification,’ ‘propitiation,’ is another   of God  is  pure: he is  a shield unto them that put  their
                  big   challenge   for  most  translators.  In  many  tribal   trust  in  him.  Add  thou  not  unto  his  words,  lest  he
                  languages these concepts are foreign and there are no   reprove thee, and thou be found a liar” (Pr. 30:6).
                  ready-made terms to express them.  It has taken some
                  translators months  and years to find a suitable term in   In light of God’s  warning about tampering with His
                  their  language  for  such  abstract  ideas  as ‘love’  and   Word,  I  would  suggest  that  the  proper  method  of
                  ‘holiness.’  To  get  an  idea   of  what  is   involved,  try   approach would be the following: First, simple portions
                  expressing  ‘propitiation’  in  the  shortest,  clearest   of Scripture can be translated and used for  evangelism.
                  possible way  for  a translator  to  put into a language   As  the  number  of  converts  grows  within  a  language
                  which doesn’t have such a term” (By the Word).  group, other portions  of Scripture can be translated and
                  The  problems   so   stated  can  make  the  route  of   used  to  teach  the new  Christians about  the  things  of
               dynamic equivalency seem right, reasonable. These are   God. Further, an accurate translation of the Scriptures  in
               problems  Bible translators  and missionaries have always   a local trade  language can  be  used  to train  key  tribal
               faced,  yet  it  is  only  in  recent  years   that  the  proud   leaders who  in  turn  can  teach  their  own  people and
               concept  of dynamic equivalency  with  its  willingness to   further the growth process. Through this  means, over  a
               change the form of God’s Word to fit man’s culture has   period  of  time,  the  language  of  a  group   can  be
               become popular.                                   developed  so  that  eventually  it  might  be able to  carry
                  In  the  booklet  quoted  above,  the  missionary   the entire Word of God.
               translator  focuses   on  the  very  real  problems  which   The  above  is   the  method  which  has  been  used
               attend the work of putting the Bible into the language of   successfully  through  the  centuries  by  faithful
               a people who  are mostly illiterate, and it is very easy to   missionaries   who  would  never  have  used  dynamic
               miss  noting the serious  error  underlying  the principles   equivalency.  The  Bible  is  to  raise  the  culture  of  the
               she presents.  When  we  give close examination  to  the   people heavenward, not the other way around. Dynamic
               principle of dynamic equivalency translation it becomes   equivalency is a backward way of thinking.
               obvious  that the error  so subtly mixed into the theories   The  Bible does  not say  that  the Scriptures must  be
               has resulted in the corruption of God’s Word.     translated  into every  language. It  simply  does  not  say
                  Foreign  cultures are not  the  only  problems  used  to   that. It  says  the Gospel is to be preached to all people.
               illustrate  the supposed  need  for  dynamic  equivalency   While  the Gospel  can be  translated  into  every  tongue,
               translation. United Bible Societies publications  are filled   this is not necessarily true for the Bible.
               with  problems involved in enabling people groups  such   Many downplay the idea of using a trade language to
               as   children  and  the  homeless  to  understand  the   teach people the things  of God. They talk much of  the
               Scriptures.                                       necessity of using the “heart language.” They say a trade
                  It’s  true that there are tremendous  problems  involved   language  can  never  reach  the  heart.  I  think  that  is
               in  translating  the  Bible  for  foreign  cultures   and  for   wrong. Those who understand a language, even though
               illiterate or  marginally  literate peoples, but  it  is  never   it might not be their mother tongue, can understand the
               proper  to  change  the  Word  of  God  for  the  sake  of   truths  of  God’s  Word  from  that  language.  Sure,  it’s
               adapting it to another culture. The proper solution is  to   always nicer to  hear things  in one’s  own mother tongue.
               translate  the  Bible  accurately,  then  explain  the   That’s  all well and good, but I say it would be better to
               translation  with  footnotes,  dictionaries,  and   educate an entire people in a trade language so they can
               commentaries.                                     have the uncorrupted Word of God rather than corrupt
                  What if a language is  just too simple and strange to   the Word of God through dynamic equivalency. It would
               carry  the Scriptures? I say don’t translate the Bible into   be better never to translate the Bible, than to  translate it
               that language! I can hear the groans now from those   improperly.  [See  Bible  Versions,  Living  Bible,

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