Page 207 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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                  good works for the sake  of those  who are dead, we are,   Enlarging on this  subject, Ken Johnson adds: “[Those
                  as it were,  completing what they left undone, paying   who claim  this  is  a mistranslation in  the KJV] show  a
                  their  debts  and  offering  our  own  sacrifice  to  the   lack of two  things. First, they neglect the context of the
                  Merciful  Lord  on  their  behalf”  (The  Journal  of  the   verse for  it  is  a season  that  is also noted. Second,  in
                  Moscow Patriarchate, No. 10, 1976).            English  the  season  or  time  of  year  marked  as  the
                  In  the  Journal  of  the  Moscow  Patriarchate, No.  4,   Passover season has for years been expressed in English
               1980, we find the following false teachings  about Mary,   as  ‘Easter.’ The KJV translators did not invent this  usage
               salvation, and the Lord’s Supper:                 nor  were  they  wrong.  The  Geneva  Bible  of  1557
                  “When one asserts his faith in the Son of God, the  Son   translates Acts 12:4 as ‘Easter.’ This  is  also true of  the
                  of the Ever  Virgin Mary,  the Mother of God, [note  the   1539 Cranmer  Bible—’Easter,’ and the Tyndale Bible of
                  false Catholic  doctrines that Mary is the  Mother of God   1534—’ester.’  This  takes  the time element back almost
                  and a perpetual virgin, meaning that she had no other   100  years   for  the  usage  of  ‘Easter.’  Alfric,  at  the
                  children after Jesus] he  accepts first of all the  words of   beginning of the eleventh century, wrote a Homily using
                  faith  into  his  heart,  confesses  them  orally,  sincerely
                  repents  of his former  sins and  washes  them away  in   the term  Easter:  ‘Fram dam halgan  easterlican  [Easter
                  the sacrament of Baptism. Then God the Word enters   season]  (A.C. Champneys, History  of English,  London:
                  the  baptized  one,  as  though  into  the  womb  of  the   Revington,  Percival  and  Co.,  p.  178).  This   calls   the
                  Blessed  Virgin and remains in him  like a  seed.  ...  By   Passover  season  ‘Easter’  season  and  it  is  some  five
                  partaking of the Holy  Eucharist,  a Christian is  made   hundred  years plus before the KJV saw  its  publication
                  one with Christ” (Foundation, Nov.-Dec. 1980, p. 21).  with ‘Easter’ in Acts 12:4" (Ken Johnson, A Response to
                  From  these  quotes it  is obvious  that  the  Orthodox   J.H.  Melton’s  Forum  Re.  the King  James  Version  and
               Church  is  entirely  apostate. It holds the same basic set   Inspiration, p. 12).
               of  false  beliefs  as   the  Roman  Catholic  Church  from   (2)  An  occasion  observed  by  many  Christians
               which it broke away in the ninth century.         commemorating the resurrection of Christ. It is observed
                  Ecumenism:  The  Eastern  Orthodox  churches  are   on the Sunday immediately after the first full moon that
               members of  and  form  an  influential block  within  the   occurs on  or  after  March  21.  Originally  Easter  was  a
               World Council of  Churches. In recent  years  steps have   pagan holiday in the name of the goddess  of spring, but
               also  been taken to reconcile the Eastern Orthodox with   it  was   “Christianized”  by  the  Catholic  Church  and
               the Roman Catholic  Church. In 1965 Pope Paul VI and   adapted  to  the  remembrance  of  Christ’s  resurrection.
               Patriarch  Athenagoras  I  formally  lifted  the   Sunrise services  are adaptations  of the ancient worship
               excommunications  of  1054.  [See  Mary,  Pope,  Roman   of  the  sun.  The  Easter  celebration  is   extra-biblical.
               Catholic Church, World Council of Churches.]      “Good  Friday,”  which  is the  supposed  day  that  Christ
                  EASTER. (1) A pagan holiday (Ac. 12:4). This  is the   died, is  fictitious in that  Christ  could  not have died on
               only place in  which  “easter” appears in  the Authorized   Friday. He was three days  and three nights  in the tomb
               Version.  Some  say  that  this   should  be  translated   (Mt. 12:40;  16:21;  17:22-23;  20:17-19;  27:62-64;  Lk.
               “passover” and they point to  this as an error in the KJV,   24:1-8; Jn. 2:19). He arose before daylight on  Sunday
               but  they  are  wrong.  The Easter  of  Ac. 12:4  occurred   morning at the end of the sabbath (Jn. 20:1; Mt. 28:1;
               after the Passover. We know this  because Ac. 12:3 says  it   Mk.  16:2).  Thus  he  must  have  been  crucified  on
               was   “the  days  of  unleavened  bread.”  The  feast  of   Wednesday  or  Thursday. The Jewish  day  begins  in  the
               unleavened bread followed the Passover (Nu. 28:16-25),   evening  (Ge.  1:5,8,13,19,23).  [See  Christmas,  Fable,
               but this  Easter  was  after the feast of unleavened bread.   Friday, Roman Catholic Church.]
               It refers  to  a pagan holiday, probably  the celebration of   EAST SEA. A name for the Salt Sea, or the Dead Sea.
               Tammuz,  the  sun  god  (Jack  Moorman,  Easter  or   It  is   called  East  Sea  because  it  forms  Israel’s  east
               Passover?).  “Easter”  is  a  proper  translation  to   boundary (Eze. 47:18). [See Salt Sea.]
               distinguish  it  from  the  Jewish  Passover,  and  the  KJV   EASY  TO BE  INTREATED.  This  phrase  in  Ja. 3:17
               translators were  wise in  their  choice  of  this word.  In   describes the character of a true godliness. It is  kind and
               using  the  term  “Easter”  in  Ac.  12:4,  The King  James   easily  approached. When  a  question  is  asked  of  it,  it
               Translators  merely  left  intact  the  reading  of  Tyndale,   does not  respond  angrily, but  gently  and  with  charity
               Matthews, and  the Geneva Bible: “Then were the days   toward the questioner.  This  attitude is contrasted  with
               of unleavened bread, and when he had caught him, he   the  bitter  envying  and  strife  which  characterizes  the
               put him in prison, and delivered him to  four quaternions   world (Ja. 3:14-15). [See Love.]
               of  soldiers  to  be kept,  intending  after  Easter  to  bring   EBAL (bare). Ge. 36:23.
               him  forth  to  the  people”  (The  Newe  Testament  by
               William  Tindale,  1526,  John  Wesley  Sawyer,  The   EBED (servant). Ju. 9:26.
               Martyrs Bible Series).                              EBED MELECH (servant of the king). Je. 38:7.

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