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               labeled  “legalists.”  The same  attitude was  manifest  in   EFFECTUAL.  Producing  an  effect,  or  the  effect
               apostate  Israel  of  old.  “Will  ye  steal,  murder,  and   desired or intended; or having adequate power or  force
               commit  adultery, and  swear  falsely, and  burn  incense   to produce the effect (Webster) (Ep. 3:7).
               unto Baal, and  walk after  other  gods  whom ye  know   EFFEMINATE. Having the qualities of the female sex;
               not; and come and stand before me in this house, which   soft  or  delicate  to   an  unmanly  degree;  womanish
               is  called by my name, and say, We are delivered to do all   (Webster). The woman is supposed to  be effeminate, but
               these abominations” (Je. 7:9-10). These people thought   the Bible reference to this  in 1 Co. 6:9 is  connected with
               God had set them free to  live as they pleased, and that   moral perversion. Until recent attempts  by  modernistic
               He would receive their worship regardless  of whether or   teachers  to  reinterpret  Scripture  to  fit  their  immoral
               not  they  obeyed  the  Holy  Scriptures.  Not  so!  God’s   programs, this  word has been interpreted as referring to
               indictment against them was  severe: “And I will cast you   womanlike men. The Greek word, malakos, means  soft,
               out of my  sight...” (Je. 7:15). God  hasn’t  changed, my   and it is so translated in Mt. 11:8; Lk. 7:25. The context
               friends.  He  is  still  Holy,  and  He  still  requires   strict   supports  the  homosexual  interpretation.  In  1  Co.  6:9
               obedience  to  His Word. The  Apostle  Peter  wrote,  “As   “effeminate” is  listed between “adulterers” and “abusers
               obedient  children, not  fashioning  yourselves  according   of themselves  with mankind,” both of which refer to sins
               to the former lusts  in your ignorance:  But  as  he which   of  immorality.  Matthew  Henry,  following  the common
               hath called  you is  holy, so  be ye holy  in all manner of   interpretation of this  term in centuries past, connected it
               conversation; because it is written, Be ye holy: for I am   with  sodomy.  [See  Abusers  of  Themselves   With
               holy”  (1  Pe.  1:14-16).  The  final  book  of  the  Bible   Mankind, Fornication, Sodomy.]
               describes the worldwide religious harlot which will arise   EGLON (circle). Jos. 10:3.
               in these last days  (Re. 17-18). God’s  command in regard
               to this  apostasy  is “Come out of her, my people, that ye   EGYPT. The nation located in the NE corner of Africa
               be not partakers of her sins, and that  ye receive not of   and neighboring Israel to  the SW. Egypt has had a close
               her  plagues”  (Re.  18:4).  [See  Anglican  Church,   relationship   to  the  Jewish  people  throughout  their
               Apostasy,  Apostate,  Charismatic,  Church,  Doctrine,   history. THE HISTORY OF EGYPT: “It is  usual to  think of
               Episcopal, Fable, False Prophet, False Teaching, Foolish   ancient  Egyptian  history  as  divided  into 30 dynasties.
               Questions, Fundamentalism, Great Commission, Heresy,   This  idea is taken  from  a book on  Egyptian  history  by
               Lutheran,  Methodist,  Modernism,  Modesty,  New   Manetho, an Egyptian priest, who wrote about 250 BC.
               Evangelicalism,  Presbyterian,  Prophecy,  Revelation,   Selections  from Manetho’s book have been preserved in
               Roman  Catholic  Church,  Separation,  Timothy,  Unity,   extensive quotations  by  later writers. The Old Kingdom
               Women Preachers, World Council of Churches.]      is  the title given to the first time of great  royal power
                                                                 (about 2700 to 2200 BC), running from dynasties three
                  EDEN (delight). The lovely  garden  God  created  for   to six. At this  period the pharaohs  were very dictatorial.
               man before the Fall (Ge. 2:8, 10, 15; 3:23, 24; 4:16; Is.   They  were  able  to  gather  hundreds  of  thousands  of
               51:3;  Eze. 28:13;  31:9,  16,  18;  36:35;  Joel  2:3). The   people  each  year  during  the  season  when  the  Nile
               exact  location  of  Eden  is uncertain, though  we  know   overflowed  its  banks  and  made  agricultural  work
               that it was  in the general area of the Tigris  (Hiddekel)   impossible and  compel  them  to work  energetically  for
               and Euphrates rivers  (Ge. 2:14). It could have been very   long periods in order  to build those tremendous burial
               large, as  another of the rivers connected with Eden was   monuments  called  the  pyramids.  During this time  the
               the Gihon, which is  said to “compass  the whole land of   religion  glorified  the  sun  god,  but  there  were  many
               Ethiopia” (Ge. 2:13). [See Adam, Evolution.]      subordinate deities. The Middle Kingdom (about  1991
                  EDER (flock). Ge. 35:21.                       to 1786 BC) was  a new time of great power beginning
                  EDIFY. Build up; strengthen (Ro. 14:19; 15:2; 1 Co.   when  the  kings  of  a  region  in  the  South,  centering
               14:3;  2  Co. 10:8;  1  Th.  5:11). The same Greek  word   around  the  town  later  known  as   Thebes,  became
               “edify,” oikodomeo, is used for the building of the temple   supreme over  all  Egypt  and established  their  power  in
               (Jn.  2:20)  and  for  the  building  of  the  church  (Mt.   the  delta.  They  worshiped  a  local  god  called  Amun
               16:18). All things in the church  are to be done for  the   (formerly written Amen or  Amon). This was the period
               edification of the saints (1 Co. 14:3-26).        of  the  Twelfth  Dynasty. These  kings  put  foreign  lands
                  EDOM (red). Another  name for  Esau, the elder  son   under tribute and directed a high type of civilization. It
               of Isaac (Ge. 25:30). Edom became the nation called by   ends  with the coming from Asia of a foreign group that
               his name (Ge. 32:3; 36:9).                        possessed  a new weapon, that of horse-drawn chariots
                  EDREI (sown land). Nu. 21:33.                  which enabled them to  make a lightning attack and to
                                                                 conquer  a  large  section  of  Egypt.  These  Hyksos
                                                                 (sometimes  called  Shepherd-kings),  held  much  of  the
                                                                 land  in  subjection  for  over  a  century. Eventually  they

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