Page 213 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               in Greenwood, Indiana,  that was subsequently  held  in   only 19th-century  British Baptist historian who was  not
               April  of  2001.  The  conference  was   opposed  to   a Calvinist. It is  certain that the vast majority of Baptist
               Calvinism; and I agreed to speak, because I have been in   histories  are  written  by  Calvinists  and  they  typically
               sympathy  with  such  a  position  ever  since  I  first   neglect and sometimes  misreport the history and beliefs
               examined  the  subject  in  Bible  College.  Before  I  put   of the non-Calvinist Baptists. Be that as it may, the fact
               together a message for the conference, though, I wanted   remains  that Baptists  have always  been divided  on this
               to re-examine Calvinism in a more thorough manner. I   issue and it is  not wise to draw back from dealing with
               contacted  Dr.  Peter  Masters in  London,  England,  and   it today, even though divisions are certainly the result.
               discussed the subject of Calvinism with him. I told him   3. Few  things  have hindered biblical  evangelism  more
               that I love and respect him in Christ and I also love and   than Calvinism. It almost killed the evangelistic zeal of
               respect his predecessor, Charles Spurgeon, though  I do   the Baptist churches of England in the 18th century and
               not agree with either of them on Calvinism (or on some   well  into   the  19th.  Among  Calvinists,  evangelism  is
               issues, in  fact). I told Dr. Masters  that I wanted  him to   done IN SPITE OF Calvinism, not because of it. Baptist
               tell me what books he would recommend so  that I could   historian  Thomas   Armitage  wrote:  “William  Carey’s
               properly  understand  what  he  believes on  the  subject   ‘Inquiry into the Obligations of Christians  to  use means
               (knowing that there are many  varieties  of Calvinism). I   for  the  Conversion  of  the  Heathen’  was  published  in
               did  not  want  to  misrepresent  anything.  Among  other   1792, but found few readers  and produced little effect.
               things,  Dr. Masters  recommended  that  I  read  Calvin’s   To  most  of  the Baptists  his views  were visionary  and
               Institutes  of  the  Christian  Religion and  Iain  Murray’s   even wild, in open conflict with God’s sovereignty. At a
               Spurgeon vs. the Hyper-Calvinists, which I did.    meeting of ministers, where the senior Ryland presided,
                  In  the  last  couple  of  years  I  have  again  re-  Carey  proposed  that  at  the  next  meeting they  discuss
               investigated  Calvinism  from  both  sides.  I  read  Dave   the duty of attempting to spread the Gospel amongst the
               Hunt’s  “What  Love  Is  This?”  and  “A  Calvinist’s  Honest   heathen.  …  Ryland,  shocked,  sprang  to  his  feet  and
               Doubts  Resolved  by  Reason and God’s  Amazing  Grace.” I   ordered Carey to sit down, saying: ‘When God pleases to
               read  “Debating  Calvinism:  Five  Points,  Two  Views”  by   convert  the heathen, he will do it  without your  aid  or
               Dave Hunt and James White. I carefully  re-read Arthur   mine!’”
               Pink’s   “The  Sovereignty  of  God”  as  well  as   the   Things  were not  much  better  when  Spurgeon  took
               “Westminster  Confession  of  Faith.”  I  have  also studied   his  first pastorate in 1854. This situation is  described in
               about  100 pages  of  materials  published  in  defense of   Spurgeon vs. the Hyper Calvinists by  Iain Murray. Many
               Calvinism by the Far Eastern Bible College in Singapore.   Calvinists  opposed Spurgeon and denounced his broad,
               This is a Bible Presbyterian school.              indiscriminate invitations for sinners  to come to Christ.
                  As  best as I know how, I have studied these materials   For  example,  one  Calvinist  publication  warned  in
               with  the  sole  desire  to  know  the  truth  and  with  a   Spurgeon’s day,  “ preach  that  it  is man’s  duty  to
               willingness to follow the truth wherever it leads.  believe  savingly  in  Christ  is ABSURD” (Earthen  Vessel,
                  Thus,  while  I  have  not  read  every  book  on  this   1857).
               subject  that  could  be  recommended  by  my  readers,  I   4. It is  important to understand that Calvinism  is an
               have  made  a  considerable  effort  to   understand   unsettled  theology.  Calvinists   are  seriously  divided
               Calvinism properly and not to  misrepresent it (though I   among  themselves  and  always   have  been.  There  is
               have  learned  that  a  non-Calvinist  will  ALWAYS  be   Supralapsarianism  vs.  Sublapsarianism  vs.
               charged with misrepresentation).                  Infralapsarianism.  “The  Supralapsarians  hold  that  God
                  2.  Baptists  must  face  the  issue  of  Calvinism. It  is  a   decreed  the  fall  of  Adam;  the Sublapsarians,  that  he
               divisive subject, but it must be faced because it touches   permitted  it” (McClintock &  Strong). The Calvinists at
               some of the most important points of biblical truth and   the  Synod  of  Dort  were  divided  on  many  issues,
               affects  how  Christians  perceive  of  the  gospel and  the   including lapsarianism. The Swiss  Calvinists  who  wrote
               very person of God. It is  interesting to observe that there   the Helvetic Consensus Formula in 1675 were in conflict
               have always  been divisions  among Baptists  on the issue   with  the  French  Calvinists  of  the  School  of  Saumur.
               of Calvinism. The early Baptists in England were divided   There  are  Strict  Calvinists  and  Moderate  Calvinists,
               into  the  General  Baptists  and  the  Particular  Baptists,   Hyper  and  non-Hyper  (differing  especially  on
               referring to how  they viewed  Christ’s atonement, as to   reprobation  and  the  extent  of  the  atonement  and
               whether it was for all men (general) or only for the elect   whether  God loves all men),  5 pointers, 4  pointers, 3
               (particular).  Adam  Taylor’s  History  of  the  General   pointers, 2 pointers. In America Calvinists were divided
               Baptists of England (1818) deals with the history  of the   into  Old School and the New School. As  we have seen,
               non-Calvinist Baptists  in Great Britain, and there were a   the  Calvinists  of  England  were  divided  in  the  19th
               large number  of them. To my  knowledge, Taylor  is  the   century.

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