Page 200 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               Word. Who is man  to make simple that which God did   Who is  wise enough to so  rewrite the Bible? How can
               not  make  simple? The  Bible  is  God’s  Book. Does any   we know  that  such  changes do not  somehow  corrupt
               fallen  man  know  better  than  God what  man  needs  to   some important meaning of the Word of God?
               hear?                                               Those  involved  in  this  kind  of  thing  do  not  even
                  Contrast  today’s   thinking  among  Bible  translators   agree among themselves  about how far to go in making
               with that of faithful William Tyndale of old. “I call God   changes.  While agreeing that  changes  should be made
               to record  against  the day  we shall  appear  before  our   to adapt the Scriptures to  man’s culture, the proponents
               Lord  Jesus,  to  give a reckoning  of  our  doings,  that  I   of dynamic equivalency  disagree among  themselves  as
               never  altered  one  syllable  of  God’s Word  against  my   to how  far  to  go in this. If dove can  mean some other
               conscience, nor would [I so alter it] this  day, if all that is   kind of bird, who is  to say what kind of bird is a proper
               in the earth, whether  it be pleasure, honour, or  riches,   substitute? Nida, for example, often allows  more drastic
               might be given me.”                               changes  than  Beekman.  Beekman  allows more  drastic
                  DYNAMIC EQUIVALENCY CONFUSES TRANSLATION       changes  than some of  the other  translators  involved  in
               WITH EVANGELISM AND TEACHING.                     this.  It  has  become  a  world  of  confusion  and
                  The translator is to faithfully transmit the words and   uncertainty.  Why?  Because  man  has  become  the
               message from the original into the receptor language as   arbitrator of what is the Word of God.
               literally  as  possible.  In  so doing  he  should  obviously   Instead of being content with exactly that which God
               attempt to  make the translation as plain for  the readers   has  written, and seeking  to translate the words  of  the
               AS  POSSIBLE  without  doing  damage  to  the  original   Bible  as  exactly  and  literally  as  possible, the gurus  of
               words and form. The translator  is  not  free to  simplify   dynamic  equivalency  have  launched  out  upon  the
               that which  God  has  not simplified  in the original text.   uncertain seas  of contextualization. Their rules are man-
               Utter faithfulness  to  the original text should be the sole   made and therefore relative. Having loosed themselves
               concern of the Bible translator.                  from the exactness  of the original text of Scripture, they
                  The  evangelist’s  work,  then,  is  to  explain  that   have no  objective, dogmatic criteria upon which to base
               message to  the lost, and the teacher’s  job is to explain   their translation decisions.
               that  message  to   the  saved.  Ep.  4:11-12.  The  Bible   DYNAMIC  EQUIVALENCY  CONFUSES INSPIRATION
               translator  whose overriding goal is to make  the Bible   WITH TRANSLATION.
               clear to the unsaved so  that they need no evangelist, of   Dynamic equivalency proponents wrongly apply facts
               necessity, becomes a Bible corrupter.             about inspiration to the work of Bible translation. They
                  DYNAMIC  EQUIVALENCY  MAKES  THE  BIBLE        say  that  God  wrote to be understood and  adapted His
               CONFORM  TO  MAN’S  CULTURE  RATHER  THAN         Word  to  a  particular  culture;  thus  when  translators
               MAKING MAN’S CULTURE CONFORM TO THE BIBLE.        adapt  the Scriptures to today’s cultures, it  is supposed
                  We have seen  that  dynamic equivalency  adapts the   that they are merely following God’s example. Beekman
               Scriptures  to  man’s  culture.  Several  real life  examples   and  Callow  develop  this   thinking  in  Translating  the
               were  given:  lamb  is  translated  seal  pup;  fig  tree   Word of God:
               becomes  banana  tree;  dove  becomes gigi  bird;  foxes   Naturalness is a prerequisite  to ease of understanding.
               becomes coyotes;  snow  becomes  coconut;  candlestick   such men. They preached  to be understood and they
               becomes a grain bin; plough becomes  a hoe; storehouse   wrote  to  be   understood.  At  least  two  of  the  New
               becomes a  basket;  sword  becomes  dissension;  son  of   Testament  writers explicitly  say  so.  In  2 Corinthians
                                                                   1:13,  Paul  says,  “For  we  write you  nothing but what
               man becomes older brother. The list could be endless.  you can read and understand” (RSV). ... Luke  also says
                  There are two  very serious  problems with this. First,   in the preface  to his gospel that “it seemed good to me
               this  type of thing changes  God’s  Word. Those doing this   also  ...  to  write   an  orderly  account  for  you,  most
               believe  the  changes  are  justified  to enable  people  to   excellent  Theophilus,  that  you  may  know  the  truth
               understand  the  Bible.  In  effect,  though,  they  are   concerning  the   things  of  which  you  have  been
               changing God’s  Word  and are robbing people of  God’s   informed”  (Luke  1:3-4  RSV).  To  assume  that  the
               words. I don’t believe ANY of the changes  we have seen   original  readers  had  considerable  difficulty
               are justified. Man simply does not have such authority.   understanding what was written is, in effect,  to assert
                                                                   that the apostles were  clumsy and inept in their God-
                  Second,  this  type  of thing  destroys  the authority  of   given  task  of  communicating  the  truth  in  their
               God’s  Word.  The  mind  of  the translator  becomes  the   preaching and writing. Paul, Peter, John, James,  Luke,
               authority.  Who   is   to  say  if  a  gigi  bird  is   a  proper   and  the  others  wrote   clearly  and  were  readily
               substitute for  the dove? Who is  to say  that  a hoe is a   understood. The  original writings were both natural in
               proper substitute for  a plough, or a banana tree for  the   structure and meaningful in content.
               fig tree? Who knows  enough to make such judgments?

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