Page 197 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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                  This   was  stated  in  the  UBS  publication  Bible   their  workers  are using on the fields. Wycliffe supports
               Translator,  No.  23,  1972,  pages  220,  223.  This  was   the  TEV  and  the  dynamic  equivalency  methods
               further confirmed by  correspondence with Bible Society   underlying it. The fonts they  have developed for  laser
               leaders. In August 1987 I received a letter from British   printers  are distributed  with  a sample text  file of  the
               and  Foreign  Bible  Society  leader  Geoff  Horner.  He   book  of  Titus  from  the  TEV.  We  further  see  what
               wrote, “...virtually  all translations  being carried  out  at   Wycliffe thinks  of dynamic equivalency  by  quoting one
               present  directly  by  UBS are CLT’s [common  language   of their  chief  translators in  regard  to the Living Bible.
               translations].”                                   John  Beekman,  translations   coordinator  for  the
                  This  statement becomes even more significant  when   worldwide ministry of Wycliffe, made this statement:
               we consider that  as  of 1985  the United Bible Societies   “The  Living Bible  is the most readable and the most
               were  involved  in  translation  work  in  544  languages   natural English translation available.  The fast-growing
               (Bulletin,  United  Bible  Societies,  World  Annual  Report   ministry of Living Bibles International is worthy of the
               1985, p. 175). At  their  council meeting in  Chiang Mai,   prayer support of all of us” (William F. Kerr, The Living
               Thailand, in 1980, the Bible Societies  accepted the goal   Bible—Not Just Another Version).
               of producing common language translations  of the Bible   How influential is  Wycliffe? According to an undated
               and a full series  of New Readers materials in 227 major   brochure published  by  Wycliffe  and  distributed  at  the
               languages of the world by the end of the decade.  July 1987, North American Congress  on the Holy  Spirit
                  To   further  illustrate  how  strongly  the  TEV  is   and World Evangelization, Wycliffe has  been involved in
               promoted  by  the Bible Societies, we refer  to the 1987   a total of 1,105 language translation projects. The New
               catalog for  the British and Foreign Bible Society. Of the   Testament  has   been  completed  in  more  than  250
               Bibles  and Scripture portions  listed, 272 are TEV, while   languages, and  more than  800 translation  projects  are
               only 34 are the KJV.                              in progress.
                  Robert Bratcher, key  translator of the TEV, is today  a   This  represents a  massive influence,  but  Wycliffe’s
               principal  translations coordinator  for  the  United  Bible   influence is  spread  much  further  than  their  own  work
               Societies  and  is   busy  training  men  in  dynamic   indicates. They  are responsible for much of the training
               equivalency  methods.  Like  Nida,  Bratcher  is  a   of  professional  Bible  translators   from  other  groups,
               theological liberal,  as  are practically  all  the  men  who   including  those  with  the  United  Bible  Societies,  with
               have developed  the  principles  of  dynamic equivalency   denominational  translation  projects,  even  some
               or  common  language  translation.  This will  be  shown   fundamental  groups.  This  vast  influence  is  gained
               later in the article.                             through  their  Summer  Institute of  Linguistics training
                                                                 school  in  Texas  and  the  various  programs  associated
                  Thus  we see that the enormous resources  of the UBS   with it.
               are today  almost wholly  dedicated to  the production of
               the equivalent of the dynamic equivalency  TEV in non-  In  addition,  some  Wycliffe  people  have  written
               English languages.                                training  materials   used  broadly  by  professional
                                                                 translators.  Eugene  Nida,  the  guru  of  dynamic
                  Living Bibles  International. As  of 1990 more than 36   equivalency,  started  his  ministry  with  Wycliffe  Bible
               million  copies of  the  Living  Bible  in  all  editions had   Translators  in  the 1930s, though  for  many  decades he
               been sold” (Charisma, December  1990, p. 5). When an   has  been a chief translation’s  consultant with the United
               edition  of  the  Living  Bible  was   marketed  through   Bible  Societies.  John  Beekman  and  John  Callow, both
               secular  booksellers,  it sold two  million  copies  the first   with  Wycliffe,  have  authored  materials which  present
               year (Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Mar. 20, 1985).  classic  dynamic  equivalency  methods  and  which  are
                  Its  coffers  full through the sale of Living Bibles, LBI   used  widely  by  professional  translators  across   all
               has  dedicated its  vast resources  to the production of the   denominational and  doctrinal lines. Many others  could
               equivalent of the Living Bible in non-English languages.   be mentioned.
               Their  goal  is   massive.  By  1992,  Living  Bibles   Through  these  materials,  the  Summer  Institute  of
               International is determined to  produce the Living Bible   Linguistics, and the translation labors of their workers,
               in every  major  language of the world. As  of 1986 they   Wycliffe’s influence is massive.
               had  either  completed  or  were  working  on  144  such
               projects (Living Bibles International, Vol. 3 No. 1, 1986).   Thus  we see that  the three largest Bible translation
               All  of  these  translations  are  dynamic  equivalency   and  publishing  organizations  in  the  world  are
               versions.                                         committed to dynamic equivalency.
                  Wycliffe Bible Translators. Wycliffe also has  adopted   ERRORS OF DYNAMIC EQUIVALENCY
               the dynamic equivalency  method of  translation. This is   Following  are  some  of  the  major  errors  of  the
               the method they teach at their schools  and the method   dynamic equivalency method of Bible translation:

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