Page 192 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               versions loosed themselves from the words  and form of   Note that the translators  of this dynamic equivalency
               the original texts, but they have loosed themselves from   version  in  Dutch  tested  its  value  by  the  attitude  of
               the very meaning as well. Please keep this  in mind when   young readers  toward it. It was aimed at the level of an
               you read statements by  these translators. They  usually   eight to twelve year old child and was tested by school
               profess  to   be  faithful  to  the  exact  meaning  of  the   groups.  Nothing  is   said  about  whether  these  young
               original text in translation work, but this is not the case.   people were  saved  or  whether  they  had  any  spiritual
               It  is  impossible to be  true  to the Word  of  God  while   discernment  whatsoever. How unreasonable to  test  the
               being faithful to dynamic equivalency.            trustworthiness of a Bible version in this way.
                  Dynamic  equivalency  aims  at  the  use  of  simple   It  might  seem  wonderful  that  the  13-year-old  boy
               language and style throughout. In 1970 the Bible Society   could read Genesis  through and understand every word
               of India (member  of  the United  Bible Societies) began   of it, but  consider  what this means. The Bible is filled
               to produce  a  dynamic equivalency  version  (otherwise   with things  that are difficult to  understand even for  the
               known as a “common language version”) of the Punjabi   most mature pastor. How then was  it possible for a 13-
               Bible. This  project  was completed  in 1984. A listing of   year-old to understand it perfectly? It was possible only
               the main  principles  which were followed was given  in   because the Dutch  Living Bible has been  simplified far
               the  report  issued  at  the  release  of  the  New  Punjabi   beyond the form and meaning of the original text.
               Bible, March  2, 1985. One of those principles  was this:   Yes,  the  dynamic  equivalency  versions  are  easy  to
               “From the language point of view, it should not have a   read and understand, as easy as  the morning newspaper,
               very  high  literary  standard. The language used  should   but how many times  repeatedly  does an individual read
               be within the reach of both the highly  educated as well   his  morning newspaper? How closely does an individual
               as   the  less  educated  people”  (The  North  India   ponder  every  word  of  the  morning  newspaper?
               Churchman, The Church of North India, June 1985).   Simplicity is  wonderful, but this is not the primary goal
                  The fact that dynamic equivalency  aims  at linguistic   of  Bible  translation.  The  goal  is  faithfulness  to  God’s
               simplicity  is admitted  by  the  translator  of  the Bengali   holy, eternal Words. ABWE missionary Lynn Silvernale’s
               Common Language Bible:                            goal of producing a Bible on the language level of  the
                  “Since the  literacy rate  in Bangladesh was only twenty-  barely  literate  people  of  Bangladesh  sounds  like  a
                  one  percent when we  began the  translation, and since   wonderful goal. Since we, too, were missionaries  in an
                  that  figure  included  many  people  who  are   barely   Asian  country, among  a  people even  less  literate than
                  literate  and  many  new  readers,  we  felt  that  our   those  of  Bangladesh,  we  readily  sympathize  with
                  language  level would have  to be that which is readily   Silvernale’s  desire to produce a Bible which the average
                  understood by  adults  who have studied in grade four   reader can understand. The problem is  this: The Bible is
                  or five. This level would be understandable  to illiterate   God’s   Word,  written  in  words   chosen  by  God,  in  a
                  people hearing it read  as  well  as to people who are   language form chosen by God. By and large the original
                  able  to read but have  limited education” (By the Word,
                  pp. 25-26).                                    words and language form of the Bible simply are not on
                  A  practical  look  at  just  how  simple  dynamic   a grade four  reading level! For  a translator  to produce
               equivalency  versions are  in  their  literary  style  can  be   such  a  Bible  necessitates   drastically  changing  God’s
               seen  in  this   illustration  regarding  the  Dutch  Living   Word  from its original  form. We  will  say  more  about
               Bible:                                            this.
                  “We met  our  Dutch coordinator,  Berno  Ramaker  and   Dynamic equivalency  aims  to  make the  Bible  entirely
                  his wife  Ruth.  They  are  currently  testing portions of   understandable to non-christians.  Again we quote from
                  our  soon-to-be   released  Dutch  Living  Bible.  School   the principles  which were used  by  the Bible Society of
                  groups   are   being  quizzed  on  four  different  Bible   India in the New Punjabi Bible: “It should be such that
                  translations,  including the Living Bible,  to make sure   readers  other  than  Christians  also  could  understand
                  our  edition  communicates  effectively.  … The  book  of   without  any  difficulty”  (The  North  India  Churchman,
                  Genesis was  produced in an attractive format last year   June 1985, p. 10).
                  as a promotion tool for the complete  Bible. Acceptance   It  is  often  argued  that  dynamic  equivalency  or
                  has  been  enthusiastic.  Even  before  Genesis  was   common  language  versions,  though  admittedly  not
                  released,  the  13-year-old  son  of  a  reviewer  on  the
                  project found the  manuscript on his father’s desk. After   suitable  for  detailed  Bible  study,  are  excellent
                  reading  for  awhile,  he  went  to  his  father  and  said,   evangelistic tools. The changes  made in  these versions
                  “Hey, Dad, I read this manuscript and for the first time   are supposedly justified in order to  simplify God’s  Word
                  I  can  understand  a  book  of  the Bible from  the first   for this  aim. Is  this  so? Consider the following thoughts
                  verse to the  last!” (Thought for  Thought, Living  Bibles   along this line:
                  International, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1985, p. 3).       First, God’s Word is not to be changed for any reason—
                                                                 not even evangelism.

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