Page 188 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               When a man takes  the first drink to his lips, he does not   DULL.  Slothful  (He.  5:11).  [See  Diligence,  Labor,
               know what the end  will be. He is  no longer in control;   Sluggard.]
               the liquor is.                                      DUMAH (silence). Dumah was  a son of Ishmael (Ge.
                  The  Results  of  Drunkenness: Immorality  (Pr. 23:33),   25:14) and he settled in Edom (Josh. 15:52; Is. 21:11).
               cursing (Pr. 23:33),  recklessness  (Pr. 23:34),  dizziness   DUMB. Not able to speak (Is. 35:6; Mk. 7:37).
               (Pr. 23:34), fighting and injury (Pr. 23:35), bondage (Pr.   DUNG  GATE. One of the eleven  gates  of Jerusalem
               23:35; 5:22-23; Jn. 8:34; Ro. 6:16), sorrow (Pr. 23:29),   (Ne. 3:14). It was used for the disposal of rubbish and
               contention (Pr. 23:29), babbling (Pr. 23:29), redness  of   dung and led out to  the Valley  of Hinnom south of the
               eyes (Pr. 23:29), poverty (Pr. 23:21), loss  of wisdom (Is.   City of David (Compact). [See Gate, Hinnom.]
               28:7), takes away the heart (Ho. 4:11).             DUNGEON. A close prison; or  a deep, dark place of
                  The End of Drunkenness: (1 Co. 6:9-10).        confinement (Ge. 40:15; Je. 38:6). [See Prison.]
                  Deliverance from Drunkenness: (1 Co. 6:11).      DURA (circle). Da. 3:1.
                  What  about  Spiritual  Drunkenness?  As  for  the  so-  DURE. Endure (Mt. 13:21).
               called drunkenness in the Spirit supposedly experienced
               in some Charismatic circles, it is nowhere to  be found in   DWARF. An abnormally small person (Le. 21:20).
               the  Scriptures.  Those  who   promote  the  Charismatic   DYNAMIC  EQUIVALENCY.  A  method  of  Bible
               “Laughing  Revival”  grossly  abuse  the  passage  in  Acts   translation that adapts the Scriptures to  the culture and
               chapter 2 in an attempt to prove that the Apostles  were   educational level  of the people. Five centuries  ago the
               drunk  in  the  Spirit  on  the  day  of  Pentecost.  This  is   faithful  William  Tyndale,  later  martyred  for  his
               nonsense.  Those  who  said  the  disciples  were  “full  of   translation  of  the  Bible,  said,  “I  call  God  to  record
               new wine” were the mockers who wanted to  debunk the   against the day  we shall appear  before our Lord Jesus,
               miracle  of  tongues  which  was  occurring  (Acts  2:13).   to give a reckoning of  our  doings, that I never  altered
               The  mockers  did  not  say  the  disciples  were  drunken   one syllable of  God’s  Word  against  my conscience, nor
               because  they  were  staggering  about  and  slurred  in   would  [I so alter it] this day, if all that is in the earth,
               speech  and  falling to  the  ground, but  because of  the   whether it be pleasure, honour, or riches, might be given
               many  languages  which were used  to preach the Gospel   me.” This attitude of  fear  and  trembling  toward  God’s
               that  day  and  because  they  wanted  to  slander  the   holy  Word does not exist among many  of the present-
               apostles. In his  reply to these mockers, PETER PLAINLY   day Bible translators. They  are not afraid of adding to,
               SAID  THEY  WERE  NOT  DRUNKEN  (Acts  2:15).  In   subtracting from and changing the eternal Word of God.
               Ephesians 5:18 Paul CONTRASTS drunkenness  with the   During the last two  decades, a new concept has been
               filling  of  the  Spirit.  The  drunk  is   not  in  control  of   developed  in  the  field  of  Bible translation  which  has
               himself but is under the power of a foreign substance. In   dramatically affected the kind of Bibles  being produced.
               contrast, the Spirit-filled Christian is  entirely in control   This  phenomena has spread rapidly within the circles of
               of himself under the direction of the Holy Spirit. There   translation  scholars  but  has  been  largely  hidden  from
               is  absolutely no case in the New Testament of the Lord   the  average  Christian.  While  working  as  a  foreign
               Jesus  Christ  or  the  Apostles  or  early  Christians   missionary in South Asia, I was  involved in establishing
               staggering about in a drunken stupor, unable to attend   the  principles  and  guidelines  for  a  Bible  translation
               to necessary duties, as  those in the laughing revival are   project.  I  also   have  considerable  contact  with  men
               experiencing. THE CHRISTIAN IS COMMANDED TO BE    working  on  translations   in  several  other  languages.
               SOBER AT ALL TIMES (1 Th. 5:6, 8; 1 Ti. 3:2, 11; Titus   Through  this  experience  I  have  become familiar  with
               1:8;  2:2, 4  ,  6;  1  Pe.  1:13;  4:7;  5:8). If  for  no  other   dynamic equivalency, and  the  more I  have learned  of
               reason, I would reject the laughing revival on this  basis   this   method  and  its  growing  influence,  the  more
               alone. “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the   alarmed I have become. I, therefore, rejoice to  have an
               devil, as  a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he   opportunity  to  share some details  of this matter  with
               may  devour”  (1  Peter  5:8).  [See  Sober, Strong  Drink,   friends through this material.
               Temperance, Wine, Worldly.]                         WHAT IS DYNAMIC EQUIVALENCY?
                  DUE BENEVOLENCE. [See Benevolence.]              The  new  method  of  Bible translation  is  also called
                  DUKE.  Head  of  the  family;  leader;  prince  (Ge.   “common language translation,” “idiomatic translation,”
               36:15).                                           “impact translation,” “indirect transfer  translation,” and
                  DULCIMER.  A  musical  instrument  formed  of  two   “thought  translation.”  While  some  would  make  a
               pipes  inserted  into a  leathern  bag,  somewhat  like  the   distinction between some of these methods, for the most
               bagpipes (Da. 3:5) (Concise). [See Music.]        part we can say they are used synonymously.

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