Page 186 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               endeavoured to keep up the law of Moses, and mix the   Christ’s return  (Lk. 1:13-17;  Re. 11:3-6). [See Daniel,
               observances  of  it  with  the  doctrine  of  Christ  and  his   Prophecy, Revelation.]
               institutions. The prophet  calls  the false prophets  dumb   DOUBLE MINDED. This expression is  used two times
               dogs  (Is.  56:10),  to which  the  apostle  here  seems to   in the book of James  (1:8; 4:8). It refers to wavering in
               refer.  Dogs,  for  their  malice  against  the  faithful   one’s relationship with the Lord, being less  than single
               professors  of the gospel of Christ, barking at them and   minded in seeking and serving Him. In chapter one the
               biting  them.  They  rent  and  tore the church  of  Christ,   wavering  is  caused  by  trials.  In  chapter  four,  by  the
               and cut it to pieces; or contended for  an abolished rite,   temptations of the world (4:4-9).
               a mere insignificant cutting of the flesh” (Henry). (4) An   DOUBLE TO. Double (Job 11:6).
               expression  of  derision  (1  Sa.  17:43;  2  Ki.  8:13;  Lk.
               16:21). “Dogs  were looked upon as unclean, and to call   DOUBLETONGUED.  Making  contrary  declarations
               one a ‘dog’ was a stronger  expression of contempt than   on  the  same  subject  at  different  times;  deceitful
               even today. The Jews called the Gentiles  dogs.’ ‘Give not   (Webster);  equivocal,  i.e.  telling  a  different  story
               that which is holy unto the dogs’ generally means  to not   (Strong); double in speech, saying one thing with  one
               offer good and holy things  to those who  will spurn and   person  another  with  another  (with  the  intent  to
               pervert  them”  (Zodiates).    [See  False  Teaching,   deceive)  (Thayer)  (1  Ti.  3:8).  [See  Beguile,  Cunning
               Immoral, Sodomy.]                                 Craftiness,  Deceit,  Dissemble,  Dissimulation,  Feign,
                                                                 Flattery,  Honest,  Hypocrisy,  Pure  Conscience,  Sincere,
                  DOGMA. A settled opinion; a principle; maximum or   Sleight, Subtil, Unfeigned.]
               tenet; a doctrinal notion, particularly in matters of faith
                                                                   DOWNSITTING.  Sitting  down  (Ps.  139:2).  In  this
               and philosophy; as the dogmas of the church (Webster).   passage  the  Psalmist  David  was noting  that  the  Lord
                  DOMINION.  (1)  God’s   sovereign  and  supreme   knows  everything about  him,  his sitting down  and  his
               authority  to govern, control, use and  dispose of at  his   rising up.
               pleasure  (Ep.  1:21;  1  Pe.  4:11;  5:11;  Re.  1:6).  (2)
               Control (Ro. 6:9). (3)  Government and  authority  (Mt.   DOWRY. Purchase money (Ge. 34:12).
               20:25). (4) The order of angels  (Co. 1:16). [See Angel,   DOXOLOGY  (to speak  praises).  Doxology  refers to
               Government, Kingdom of God, Satan.]               hymns of  praise  and  worship  in  general,  and  to  one
                  DONE  AWAY.  Removed;  abolished;  held  back;   English  hymn  in  particular  which  begins  with  “praise
               withdrawn (Nu. 27:4; 1 Co. 13:10; 2 Co. 3:11, 14).   God, from whom all blessings  flow.” It also refers  to the
                                                                 benediction following a sermon.
                  DOPHKAH (cattle driving). Nu. 33:12.             DRAG. Fishing net (Hab. 1:15-16). [See Fishing.]
                  DOR (circle). Jos. 11:2.                         DRAGON.  The  dragon  of  the  Bible  is  largely  a
                  DORCAS. (doe, gazelle). Ac. 9:36.              reference to a fearful aquatic  monster, now extinct, and,
                  DOTE. To  be delirious; to be silly; to be excessively in   in a symbolic  fashion, to  the devil. The ancient dragon
               love (Webster);   to be taken with such an  interest in  a   mythologies   are  probably  founded  in  these  realities.
               thing  as  amounts   to   a  disease,  to  have  a  morbid   Legends  about  dragons   abound  through  the  ancient
               fondness for (Eze. 23:5; 1 Ti. 6:4).              world,  dating  from  thousands of  years  before  Christ,
                  DOTHAN  (double feast). Ge. 37:17.             and persisting into the 20th century. The dragon figures
                  DOUBLE  FULFILLMENT.  (Also  called  Double    prominently in the mythology of the Oriental peoples, is
               Perspective.)  A  term  describing  a  common  feature  of   deified  in  the  Taoist  religion  and  was  the  national
               Bible  prophecy.  Often  prophecies  have  two  or  more   emblem  of  the  Chinese  Empire.  The  Roman  legions
               fulfillments.  Examples:  (1)  God’s   promises  to  David   inscribed  the  dragon  on  the  battle  standards.  The
               concerning  his   son  apply  both  to  Solomon,  David’s   Norsemen  adorned  the  prows   of  their  ships  with
               immediate son, and to Jesus  Christ, David’s  Greater Son   dragons. The Celts  and Teutonic tribes which conquered
               (2 Sa. 7:12-16; Mt. 1:1; Ac. 2:29-30; He. 1:5). (2) O.T.   Britain  depicted  dragons   on  their  shields,  and  the
               prophecies  concerning judgment upon Israel often have   dragon appeared on the battle standards  of the English
               in view judgments  which have been fulfilled in the past   kings  as  late as the 16th century. In the 20th century, the
               as  well as judgments  which will fall upon Israel prior to   dragon still adorns the armorial bearings  of the prince
               Christ’s  return  (Is.  5:26-30).  (3)  The  prophecies  of   of Wales  (Funk & Wagnalls  New Encyclopedia). Though
               judgments  upon  Gentile  nations  often  have  in  view   overlaid with fantasy, these ancient tales  of dragons are,
               judgments  which  are  now  past  as  well  as  judgments   we believe, founded in  reality. Following is a survey of
               which  are  yet  future  (Is.  17:1-8;  19:1-25).  (4)  The   the biblical usage of the term “dragon:”
               prophecy  in Mal. 4:5-6 regarding the coming of  Elijah   (1)  A  fearful  sea  creature  (Ps.  74:13-14;  148:7;  Is.
               the prophet has a double fulfillment, in the coming of   27:1). In these passages the dragon is identified  as an
               John the Baptist as  well as  in  a future coming prior to   awesome  sea  creature.  Is.  27:1  connects   the  dragon

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