Page 182 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               that verse; rather, He went all the way back to Ge. 1 and   sin  of  the  world.  The  Law  was  temporary,  and  that
               2 to show God’s original plan.                    includes the permission about divorce.
                  Why, then, did God give permission for divorce in De.   4.  This permission  about  divorce  was only  for  the
               24:1? That  was the very  question which  was  asked  by   dispensation  of  law.  To  prove  this  point, let’s back up
               the Pharisees and brings  us  to the verse in question, and   one  chapter  to  De.  23,  and  read  v.  1.  “He  that  is
               to point number three.                            wounded in  the stones, or  hath  his privy  member  cut
                  3. God did permit divorce for one reason. De. 24:1-2,   off, shall not enter  into the congregation of  the Lord.”
               “When a man hath taken a wife, and married her, and it   Everyone understands that  this was temporary; no  one
               come to pass  that she find no favour in his eyes, because   tries to enforce this rule today, when a person wants  to
               he hath  found  some uncleanness  in  her:  then  let  him   join a church!
               write her a bill of divorcement, and give it in her hand,   Another  prohibition  in  that  chapter  that  people do
               and  send  her  out  of  his  house.  And  when  she  is   not enforce today  is found in v. 2, “A bastard shall not
               departed out of his house, she may  go and  be another   enter  into the  congregation  of  the  Lord;  even  to  his
               man’s wife.”  Here is clear  permission  and  instruction   tenth  generation  shall  he  not  enter  into  the
               about divorce and remarriage!                     congregation of the Lord.” Similarly, no one enforces  v.
                  The problem of interpretation, for the Pharisees, was   3).
               that phrase in verse 1, “some uncleanness.” Did it mean   which  prohibits  an  Ammonite  or  a  Moabite  from
               immorality,  or  any  thing  that  the  man  might  have   entering  the  congregation  of  the  Lord.  These  were
               disliked about his  wife? Such had been the controversy   obviously  temporary, since Christ  commanded  us to go
               through  the years between  rabbi Shammai and  Rabbi   and preach the gospel to all nations, baptizing them and
               Hillel,  and  those who  followed  one  or  the  other. The   teaching  them  to  follow  Him.  Everyone  realizes that
               Pharisees  were  asking  the  Lord  Jesus   which   about  chapter  23,  but  many  ignore this matter  when
               interpretation  He  agreed  with.  However,  they  had  a   they get to chapter 24!
               serious  misunderstanding  about  the  passage  which  is   5. Christ’s plan for the church age is not found in Mt.
               seen by their question in Mt. 19:7, “Why did Moses  then   19,  but  in  1  Co.  7.  How  can  we be  sure  of  that? By
               command  to  give  a  writing  of  divorcement..?”  Christ   remembering that Christ lived under the dispensation of
               corrected  them  in  the  next  verse  by  saying,  “Moses   the law (see Ga. 4:4, “God sent forth his Son, made of a
               because of  the hardness of  your  hearts  suffered you to   woman, made under the law...”). Thus, He observed the
               put  away  your  wives.”  “Suffer” in  Scripture  means  to   Passover, one of the regulations  of the law of Moses, but
               permit;  we  must  note that  there  is  a great  difference   we are certainly  not commanded to do so today. Christ
               between  a command  and  a  permission. Sometimes  in   explained De. 24:1  to the Pharisees  because they  were
               Scripture  God  permitted  things   that  He  did  not   still under the law. The four Gospels  record many places
               command (such as polygamy). [See Polygamy.]       where the Lord  Jesus dealt  with  local and  temporary
                  Sometimes people object to that as  an inconsistency   matters  which affected them, at that time, in that place,
               in  God.  Why  would  He  do  that?  Christ  explained:   but not us today.
               “because  of  the  hardness of  your  hearts.”  Then,  it  is   We  are  obligated  to  do  as  Christ  did  with  the
               most  important  to  see that  He immediately  said,  “but   Pharisees: distinguish between what God gave through
               from the beginning it was not so.” God made changes  in   Moses   for  Israel  during  that  time,  and  what  God’s
               the various  dispensations; He changed what He required   original  plan  was.  In  other  words,  we  must  “rightly
               man  to  do,  from  one  age  to  another;  He  also  gave   divide the word of truth” (2 Ti. 2:15).
               permissions  in  one age that  He did not  give to others.   Almost  all  of  1  Co.  7  is devoted  to the subject  of
               Until He gave the law  through Moses, man could  offer   marriage and the various  problems  that attend it. Verses
               sacrifices   to  God  anywhere,  but  in  De.  12:5-14,  He   10-11 show that God’s  plan for us today is the same as  it
               required them to come to a particular place, and to that   was   in  the  beginning:  “And  unto  the  married  I
               place only. Now, in our age, we do not  even offer such   command,  yet  not  I,  but  the  Lord,  Let  not  the  wife
               sacrifices!  Clearly,  then,  God  has   changed  His   depart from her husband: But and if she depart, let her
               requirements and permissions  for mankind from age to   remain unmarried, or be reconciled to  her husband: and
               age.                                              let not the husband put away his wife.”
                  The  commands  of  the  law  were  not  meant  to  be   This  clearly  shows  that God  does  not want  divorce.
               permanent, but temporary, for  Israel during those years   However, recognizing  that some people will divorce in
               while  they  awaited  the  coming  of  the  Saviour.  God   spite of what God wants, He admonishes that the wife
               knew,  of  course,  that  when  Christ  would  come,  He   who  departs   has   only  two  options:  “let  her  remain
               would be the Lamb of God which would take away  the   unmarried,  or  be  reconciled  to her  husband.”  Perhaps

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