Page 179 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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intelligent and have personality (Mk. 5:10; Lk. 4:34). authority (2 Pe. 2:10; Jude 8). [See Devils, Government,
(3) They have great strength (Ac. 19:16; Mk. 5:2-4). (4) Satan.]
They are unclean (Mt. 10:1; Mk. 1:27). (5) They are DIKLAH (palm grove). Ge. 10:27.
evil (Lk. 7:21; 8:2). DILEAN (gourd). Jos. 15:38.
The Activity of Demons. (1) Helping Satan control this DILIGENCE. Steady application in business of any
evil world (Ep. 6:12). (2) Oppressing and hurting men kind; constant effort to accomplish what is undertaken;
(Lk. 13:16; Mk. 5:1-20). (3) Possessing some people exertion of body or mind without unnecessary delay or
(Mt. 4:24; 8:16, 28-33; 9:32; 12:22). (4) Teaching false sloth; due attention; industry (Webster). Zeal;
doctrine (1 Ti. 4:1). wholeheartedness; labor (Pr. 4:23; Ro. 12:8). The
Forms of Demon Practice. (1) Idolatry (1 Co. 10:20; Christian should be diligent: in making his calling and
Le. 17:7; De. 32:17; Ps. 106:37; Re. 9:20). (2) election sure (He. 6:11; 2 Pe. 1:10), in keeping the
Witchcraft, astrology, etc. (De. 18:10-12; Ac. 16:16-18; heart (Pr. 4:23), in exercising his spiritual ministry (Ro.
19:13-19; 2 Ch. 33:6). [See Bottomless Pit, Celibacy, 12:8), in Christian growth (2 Pe. 1:5-8; 1 Pe. 2:1-2), in
False Teaching, Idolatry, Meat, Revelation, Satan, many things (2 Co. 8:22), in being prepared to meet
Vegetarian, Witchcraft.] Christ (2 Pe. 3:14), in keeping God’s precepts (Ps.
DEVOTIONS. Objects of worship (Ac. 17:23). The 119:4), in evangelism (Ac. 18:25), in following every
translators of the Authorized Version retained this from good work (1 Ti. 5:10), in caring for missionaries and
the Geneva Version of 1560. It was translated “the preachers (Tit. 3:13), in seeking God (He. 11:6), in
manner how ye worship your gods” by Tyndale. watching for sin in the camp (He. 12:15). [See also
DEVOUT. Reverential; worshipful (Lk. 2:25; Ac. 2:5; Employment, Industrious, Labor, Sluggard, Zeal.]
10:7; 22:12). DIMNAH (dung). Jos. 21:35.
DIACONATE. The office of a deacon. Also a board of DINAH (avenged). Ge. 30:21.
deacons who help govern some churches. [See Deacon.] DINOSAUR. [See Behemoth, Dragon, Leviathan.]
DIADEM. The headdress worn by priests and kings DIOTREPHES (nourished by Jupiter). A leader in
(Ze. 3:5; Is. 62:3; Re. 12:3; 13:1; 19:12). one of the early churches (3 Jn. 9-11). Diotrephes had a
DIAL. A sun clock (2 Ki. 20:11). A marker is set so heart problem. He was a proud man; puffed up in his
that a shadow indicates the time of day as the sun own estimation; he wanted to be “top dog.” Diotrephes
changes position in the sky. had a will problem. He ruled the church by his own will,
DIALOGUE. [See New Evangelicalism.] but the pastor’s job is to rule by God’s will. It is God’s
DIAMOND. A very hard precious stone which reflects flock, God’s building, God’s husbandry. The pastor is not
colors prismatically (Ex. 28:18; Je. 17:1). to be lord over God’s heritage (1 Pe. 5:3). Diotrephes
DIANA. [See Idolatry.] had an authority problem. He felt he was an authority in
himself; whereas the pastor’s sole authority is the Bible.
DIBLAIM (double embrace). Ho. 1:3. It is to the man who speaks “the Word of God” to whom
DIBLATH (circle). Eze. 6:14. God’s people are to submit (He. 13:7). The supposed
DIBON (river course). Nu. 21:30. Christian leader who attempts to lead the church by
DIBRI (on the pasture born). Le. 24:11. man-made tradition and philosophy is to be rejected,
DIDYMUS (a twin). Jn. 11:16. not obeyed. [See Church, Korah, Nicolaitan, Pastor.]
DIE. [See Death.] DIRECTION. [See Guidance.]
DIE THE DEATH. To be sentenced to death; to DISALLOW. (1) Forbid; refuse (Nu. 30:5). (2) Reject
deserve the death sentence (Nu. 23:10; Mt. 15:4; Mk. (1 Pe. 2:4,7).
7:10). “This phrase is generally but not always used of DISANNUL. To put aside; to make void (Job. 40:8;
death by a judicial sentence” (The Bible Word-Book). Is. 14:27; He. 7:18).
[See Capital Punishment, Death.] DISCERN. (1) Recognize; acknowledge; perceive
DIET. A daily allowance (Je. 52:34). (Ge. 27:23; 31:32; 1 Ki. 20:41). (2) To distinguish
DIGGED. This form of the past tense and participle between; to perceive the difference between two things;
of dig is used throughout the A.V. in preference to the to understand (2 Sa. 14:17; Ezr. 3:13; Eze. 44:23; Jon
form “dug,” and in accordance with the custom of 4:11; Mal. 3:18; Mt. 16:3; 1 Co. 11:29; He. 5:14).
contemporary writers (The Bible Word-Book) DISCIPLE. One who receives instruction from
DIGNITY. (1) Greatness; honor; exaltation; esteem; another; an adherent to the doctrines of another
reputation (Es. 6:3; Ec. 10:6). (2) Those in positions of (Webster). Jesus Christ demands total devotion from
those who will be His disciples (Jn. 8:31; Lk. 14:25, 33).
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