Page 175 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               “under  their  circumstances.”  Rather  than  praying  and   THE  DISCIPLINE OF  A  DEACON. What  steps  should
               ascertaining the will of God  in  the matter, they  would   be taken  in  correcting  a deacon?  “If  a lay  member  is
               have  complained. If  men  who lack faith  and  spiritual   delinquent  he  is  subjected  to  discipline,  and  either
               burden  are  appointed  as  officers,  the  people  will  be   reformed  or  excluded.  A  pastor  who   is  unfaithful  is
               discouraged  about  following God  by  faith,  just  as  the   readily  removed,  and  if  he  is   heterodox  [false  in
               children of Israel were discouraged by the ten cowardly,   doctrine]  or  disorderly,  he  is  deposed,  probably
               faithless spies (Numbers 13-14).                  excommunicated. But if  a man is a deacon, no  matter
                  HOW ARE DEACONS CHOSEN?  The Scripture really   whether he is faithful or unfaithful, he remains  in office
               does not give an absolute method which every church is   during life, unless he pleases to  change his  residence, or
               bound  to  follow  in  selecting  deacons.  The  standards   is  expelled  from  fellowship for  immorality!  Who ever
               God  requires  for  deacons  are clearly  given,  and  these   heard  of  a deacon being  deposed,  or  even  impeached,
               must  never  be  ignored  or  slighted;  but  the  actual   for lack of fidelity in his  office? I never did! Why is  this?
               method  of  selection  can  vary  from  church  to  church.   Has none of them never  materially  erred? This cannot
               Following are some methods used in various churches:  be supposed. Does  it  not  go  far  to prove that  there is
                  1. Some churches have the congregation (after being   some  thing  on  this  point  exceedingly  wrong,  and
               taught God’s  standards  for deacons  and the biblical view   singularly  unguarded?  The  church,  I  answer,  has  the
               of  the  deacon’s  work)  put  forth  names   of  possible   same remedy  here that  she  has  in  all  other  cases.  ...
               deacons. The pastor  modifies the list  according  to his   Does  the  unfaithfulness  of  these  officers  result  from
               approval.  The  church  then  votes on  the  deacons  from   slothful indifference? Then they must be admonished. If
               the pastor’s  approved list. This  is  similar to the example   it  is  voluntary  and  continued,  and  neither  instruction
               of Acts 6:1-4, which  is  a good  biblical guideline. 2. In   from  the  pastor  nor  admonition  from  the church  can
               some churches the pastor directly selects  the deacons  as   procure reformation, they must be impeached, and, by a
               need arises. 3. In some churches the pastor selects  a list   regular  vote, removed. The same  power  that makes  an
               of  names  of men  he  would  approve  as deacons,  then   officer,  is  always  competent,  when  he  proves  himself
               submits  this list  to the church  for  a  vote. 4. In  some   unworthy  or unfaithful, to displace him” (R.B.C. Howell,
               assemblies the first  deacons are selected by  the pastor   quoted  by  Davis  W. Huckabee,  The  Constitution  of the
               and the church. Thereafter, new deacons are chosen by   Church,  Challenge  Press).  [See  Church,  Church
               the pastor and the deacons without further church vote.  Discipline, Pastor.]
                  HOW  LONG  SHOULD  DEACONS  SERVE?  Since  the   DEAD SEA. [See Salt Sea.]
               Bible does  not say how long deacons  should serve, each   DEAL. (1) To conduct  oneself;  to act;  to treat (Ge.
               church must decide that for itself. Some churches  have   19:9;  21:23;  Ex.  1:10).  The  Bible  speaks  of  dealing
               definite terms for  deacons, such as  two or  three years.   foolishly (Ps. 75:4), dealing courageously (2 Ch. 19:11),
               Other  churches  ordain  deacons   for  life-long  terms.   dealing  subtly  (Ps.  105:25),  dealing  bountifully  (Ps.
               There  are  advantages  in  both  customs.  The  limited   119:124), dealing truly (Pr. 12:22), dealing unjustly (Is.
               period  allows  the ordination  of  better  men  when such   26:10),  dealing  treacherously  (Is.  33:1),  dealing
               become available and  allows  opportunity  to  prove  the   prudently (Is. 52:13), etc. (2) A measurement, referring
               men  who  are  chosen.  The  unlimited  term  “tends  to   to a part; i.e., tenth deal means tenth part (Ex. 29:40).
               secure a higher  regard  for  the office itself and greater   (3) To  distribute (Is. 58:7). (4) More abundantly (Mk.
               usefulness  on the part  of those who  fill it.” (Edward  T.   7:36; 10:48).
               Hiscox,  Principles  and  Practices  for  Baptist  Churches,   DEALING. (1) Action; affairs  (1 Sa. 2:23; Ps. 7:16).
               1980 edition, p. 113.)                            (2) Trading; social intercourse (Jn. 4:9).
                  THE  DEACON’S  REWARD. “For  they  that  have used   DEATH. The basic meaning of death is separation. It
               the  office  of  a  deacon  well  purchase  to themselves  a   has  three different usages in the Bible: 1. Spiritual death
               good degree, and great boldness  in the faith which is in   —separation from God because of sin (Ep. 2:1; Jn. 5:24;
               Christ Jesus” (1 Ti. 3:13). The first reward mentioned is   Col.  2:13). 2. Physical death—separation  of  the spirit
               “a good  degree.” The good  degree or  a  good  standing   from  the  body  (Mt.  2:15;  Ge.  35:18;  Ja.  2:26).  3.
               refers  to two things, at least. It refers  to a good standing   Eternal  death  or  Second  death—the  final,  eternal
               before men in this  life, and it refers to a good standing   separation of the unsaved from God and life (Re. 20:14;
               at  the  judgment  seat  of  Christ  in  the  next  life.  The   21:8; 2 Th. 1:9). Death Is a Journey. Some false teachers
               second reward mentioned is  “great boldness in the faith   say that death is to sleep in the grave, but according to
               which is in Christ Jesus.” A good deacon makes  special   the Bible, death  is  a journey. The body  sleeps, but  the
               progress in  spiritual  growth,  power, and  zeal.  This is   spirit  of man  journeys  either  to heaven  or  to hell. (1)
               God’s  blessing upon his life for his faithful work in  the   The  O.T.  teaches   that  death  is  a  journey  (Ge.  25:8;
               church.                                           35:18; Nu. 27:13; 2 Sa. 12:23; 1 Ki. 17:21-22). (2) It is

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