Page 172 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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                  To  usurp  pastoral  authority  in  a  church  is  an  evil   a  pastor  is   when  he  is   attempting  to  lead  in  direct
               thing. 1. It is the sin of Korah (Nu. 16). 2. It is the sin of   contradiction to clear  Scripture teaching. In such cases,
               Aaron  and  Miriam  (Nu.  12).  3.  It  is   the  sin  of  a   the  church  MUST  refuse  to   follow.  God  does  not
               rebellious   wife  (1  Pe.  3:1-5).  4.  It  is  the  sin  of  a   demand  blind  submission  to  pastoral  authority.  His
               rebellious  child (Pr. 30:17). 5. It is  the sin of a rebellious   authority  to lead  is tied up in  his  fidelity  to Scripture.
               servant (1 Pe. 2:18). For  any group of men, families, or   Hebrews  13:7  says,  “Remember  them  which  have  the
               people in the church to attempt to exercise control over   rule over  you, who  have spoken unto you the word of
               the  pastor  (or  pastors)  is as wicked  as  the  rebellions   God…” It is by  the Word  of  God  that the pastor  rules
               listed above. Rebellion and usurpation of authority  is  a   over the flock. The instruction of God to  the church is to
               very  serious matter before God, and one toward  which   “prove all things; hold  fast  that which  is  good”  (1 Th.
               He  exercises   especially  harsh  judgment.  1  Timothy   5:21). When the Bible is  preached by pastors, it is  to be
               5:24-25  reminds   us  that  judgment  does   not  always   tested by the hearers (1 Co. 14:29).
               come in this life. Some sins  follow the Christian beyond   4.  The  wife is to keep herself  right  with  God  and
               the grave before they  are settled. A group of deacons,   thereby  have  spiritual  power.  A  wife  is not  left  in  a
               for  example,  might  rule  over  pastors  for  many  years   position  of powerlessness; she can walk with God. Is  it
               without  any  obvious   judgment  being  brought  upon   not true that the “king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord,
               them, but  they will no doubt face this  rebellion at  the   as  the  rivers of  water:  he  turneth  it  whithersoever  he
               judgment seat of Christ.                          will” (Pr. 21:1)? If a king’s  heart is  in the hand of  the
                  A church must be like a wife in the matter of relating   Lord, so  is a husband’s! The wife can have an effective
               to  the  pastor.  It  is  not  an  easy  matter  to  submit  to   prayer  life and  thereby  bring God’s  rich  blessing upon
               pastoral  authority.  The  pastor  or  pastors  are  never   the  family  and  help her  man  be  what  he should  be.
               perfect  men. They  have  sins and  faults,  like all other   Likewise,  church  members can  keep themselves right
               men. They  make mistakes. They  are immature in  some   with  God  and in  a position whereby  God  can and  will
               ways  and must grow in Christ, as  other Christians must.   bless and  help  their  pastor  because  of  their  lives  and
               Submitting  to  pastoral  authority  is  never  a  simple   prayers. A pastor’s life is  usually reflected in his  church,
               matter.  The  following  comparison  between  a  church   and a church’s life is usually  reflected in its  pastor. Yea,
               submitting  to pastoral authority and a  wife submitting   it has  often been observed that a congregation is given
               to a husband can help:                            the pastor it deserves!
                  1.  The  woman  is  responsible before  God  to  marry   STANDARDS  FOR  DEACONS.  (1) Born  Again  (1  Ti.
               only the man she knows  to  be God’s  will for her life—a   3:9).  To  hold  the  mystery  of  the  faith  in  a  pure
               saved, spiritual  man  who  will lead  their  family  in  the   conscience refers  to true faith in Christ. The opposite of
               will of God and for the glory of God. Likewise, a church   this  is the  faith  Judas  had,  which  was  a  hypocritical
               must be careful only to select pastors  who are qualified   faith. He pretended to  be like the other disciples, but in
               by  God’s  New  Testament  standards.  The  church  must   reality  he was a pretender.  There are multitudes like
               wait  to be thoroughly  convinced, after  earnest  prayer   Judas  who profess  to believe the gospel, but they do not
               and  seeking  of  God’s mind,  that  they  have found  the   hold  this  profession  with  a pure conscience. Profession
               exact  man  for  that  church  at  that  particular  time.   is  not  necessarily  possession.  “They  profess  that  they
               Hastiness in the selection of a pastor is as disastrous  for   know  God;  but  in  works  they  deny  him,  being
               a congregation as it is  for a woman in the selection of a   abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work
               husband.                                          reprobate” (Titus 1:16).
                  2. After the wedding, the woman is to be under  the   (2) Exemplary  Life and  Testimony  (1  Ti.  3:8). The
               authority  of  her  husband.  This   is  God’s   explicit   deacon’s   own  personal  spiritual  life  must  be  above
               command  (Ep.  5:22-24;  Col.  3:18;  Titus   2:5;  1  Pe.   reproach that he might be an example to  and have the
               2:1-6). What if the husband makes mistakes? No doubt,   respect of the rest of the church. “Grave” refers  to  that
               he  will!  But  what  if  his  leadership  and  love  are  not   seriousness   of  life  and  purpose,  that  carefulness  in
               perfect?  No doubt  it  will  not  be!  Even  so,  she  is to   spiritual  matters,  which  commands  the  respect  of
               submit to  him as  unto  Christ. In the same way, a church   others. “Not doubletongued” refers to integrity, honesty,
               is  to submit to  its  pastor, though he will no  doubt make   openness,  trustworthiness.  “Not  given  to  much  wine”
               mistakes and no doubt be imperfect in many ways.   refers  to a man who  is  not controlled by wine. For many
                  3. The wife is  to refuse to follow her husband only in   Bible reasons, we believe this  standard requires  that the
               matters   in  which  he  is   clearly  commanding  her  to   deacon  be  a  man  who   abstains   from  alcoholic
               disobey the Bible. In such cases, the wife must obey the   beverages.  Many  passages  of  Scripture  warn  of  the
               higher authority—God and His  Word. Likewise, the only   dangers of  alcohol.  Consider  Proverbs 20:1; 23:29-35;
               occasion in which a church can properly refuse to follow   31:3-5; Isaiah 5:22; 28:7; Hosea 4:11; Habakkuk 2:5. A

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