Page 168 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               7:8,24; 11:21-23). (3) He will speak great blasphemies   The Length of Time of the 70 Weeks. The Hebrew term
               against  God  (Da.  7:8,25).  (4)  He  will  persecute  the   for  weeks  here (shebuah)  simply  means “sevens.” The
               saints, i.e., the Jewish people and the Gentiles who will   context must determine whether it is a week of days, or
               be  converted  through  the  ministry  of  the  Jews  (Da.   of years, etc. (1) The weeks  which  have already  been
               7:21, 25; Re. 7; 13). (5) He will be allowed to rule for a   fulfilled  demonstrate  these  are weeks of  years rather
               specific period (Da. 7:25). Re. 13:5 tells  us  this will be   than  of  days.  It  was  almost  500  years   from  the
               42 months, or the final 3.5 years  of Daniel’s 70th Week   rebuilding  of  the  temple  and  of  Jerusalem  until  the
               (Da. 9:27). (6) He will be overthrown by the Son of God   coming of Christ. This  fits  perfectly the testimony of Da.
               (Da. 7:13-14, 21-22). Compare Re. 19:11-21 and 2 Th.   9:25,  which  places   69   weeks  of  years   (483  years)
               2:8.                                              between the two  events. It is  only reasonable to believe
                  The  Kingdom  of  God.  (1)  Begins  with  judgment   that the 70th week shall also be a week of years, or  a
               processes  (vv.  9-11,  22,  26;  compare  Re.  4-18).  (2)   seven year  period. (2) When this  Hebrew term is  used
               Given to the Son of Man (vv. 13-14; compare Re. 5). (3)   of weeks  of days, the word “days” is  added (Da. 10:2-3).
               Universal (v. 14). (4) Eternal (vv. 14, 18). (5) Righteous   (3) The  concept  of  weeks   of  years  was  familiar  to
               (vv. 18, 27). [See Kingdom of God, Millennium.]   Jewish  thinking  (Le.  25:3-9).  (4)  At  the  time  of  the
                  Daniel  8. In this vision Daniel is given more details   vision, Daniel  had been  thinking in  terms of weeks of
               regarding the Medo-Persian and Grecian empires  and of   years (Da. 9:2 compared with 2 Ch. 36:21).
               the Antichrist’s activities  in the last days. The angel told   The  Divisions  of  the  70  Weeks.  The  70  weeks  are
               Daniel  that  the  vision  concerned  the  end  time  (Da.   divided into distinct groups. (1) During the first 7 weeks
               8:19). The ram is identified as  Medo-Persia (Da. 8:20),   (49  years)  Jerusalem  was  rebuilt  in  troublous  times
               and the he goat which destroyed the ram is the king of   (compare  Nehemiah).  (2)  The  next  62  weeks  (434
               Greece (Da.  8:21). History  tells us  this  was Alexander   years)  extends from  the  rebuilding  of  Jerusalem  until
               the Great. After Alexander’s  death, the Grecian kingdom   the coming  of the Messiah. (3) Between  the 69th and
               was divided into four parts by his generals (Da. 8:22).   70th  week  is  a  period  of  undetermined  time  during
                  Antiochus  Epiphanes. Verses 9-12  and  verses 23-25   which  the  Messiah  is  cut  off  (compare  Mt.  27),
               foreview  two  different  men.  This   is   a  prophecy  of   Jerusalem is destroyed by Roman armies (A.D. 70), and
               Antiochus Epiphanes, and beyond him, to the Antichrist.   there are desolations until the end. The Hebrew  word
               Antiochus Epiphanes arose from the northern division of   translated  “desolation”  is  also  translated  “destruction
               the Grecian  kingdom about  200 B.C. and had  a great   (Ho. 2:12). It refers to the fact that Jerusalem has been
               hatred for  Israel. He caused the daily  sacrifices  to  cease   destroyed  and  overrun  time and  again throughout  the
               at  the  Jewish  temple  and  persecuted  the  Jews.   interim  period  between  the  69th  and  70th  weeks.
               Antiochus, as  evil as  he was, only  foreshadows  a much   Unforeseen by Daniel is the interlude of the church age,
               more evil man—”the man of sin,” the Antichrist. Jesus   during  which  time  the  Messiah  is   resurrected  and
               Christ  referred  to  this person  and  said  that  he  would   ascends  back to heaven  to oversee the calling out of  a
               operate  during  the  Great  Tribulation  just  preceding   people  for  His   name  from  among  the  nations  (Lk.
               Christ’s return (Mt. 24:15-30).                   19:11-27; Ac. 15:14-18). (4) The 70th week (the final
                  The Little Horn. Daniel describes for us the Antichrist:   seven years). The prince of the revived  Roman Empire
                                                                 will  make  a  covenant  with  Israel. That  the  Antichrist
               (1) Fierce countenance  (Da.  8:23).  Antichrist  will  be  arises  from the revived Roman Empire is  evident by  the
               physically powerful and fearful. (2) Understanding dark  fact  that  he  is  called  the  prince  of  the  people  who
               sentences (Da. 8:23). Antichrist will be a master  at the  destroyed  Jerusalem  after  Messiah’s  death;  this   was
               human  politics  and satanic intrigues  which control the  Rome.  In  the middle  of the seven  years the Antichrist
               present world. (3) Mighty  power, but not his own (Da.  will desecrate the Jewish temple (compare Mt. 24:15; 2
               8:24). His power will derive from Satan (2 Th. 2:9). (4)  Th. 2:3-4). There will be desolations  until Christ returns
               Persecutes  the Jewish people (Da. 8:24). (5) Magnifies  to overthrow the Antichrist (compare Mt. 24:16-21; Re.
               himself (Da. 8:25). [See Antichrist.]             11:2). The abomination  that makes desolate marks  the
                  DANIEL  9:24-27. God’s  timetable for  restoring Israel   middle of  the seven  years. Compare Mt.  24:15 where
               and overthrowing the Gentile powers.              Jesus places  this  event  in  the Tribulation  period.  This
                  The Seventy Weeks. The occasion of the 70 weeks was   abomination  of  desolation  probably  refers   to   the
               Daniel’s prayer  that  God  would  have mercy  on  Israel.   occasion when the Antichrist will set himself up as  god
               The vision of the 70 weeks is  God’s  answer. In this vision   (2 Th. 2:4).
               God  reveals  to   Daniel  the  time  schedule  and  major   DANIEL  10-12.  Daniel  was  told  by  the  angel  in
               events which  will lead  to the establishment  of Israel’s   chapter 10  that he was “come to  make thee understand
               Messianic kingdom.                                what  shall  befall  thy  people  in  the  latter  days”  (Da.

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