Page 166 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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                  DABAREH (pasture). Jos. 21:28.                 with  members  of  the  same  sex  before  the  Lord  (Ex.
                  DABBASHETH (height). Jos. 19:11.               15:20-21; Ju. 11:34; 21:21; 1 Sa. 18:6; 2 Sa. 6:14). It is
                  DAGGER.  A  sharp instrument, especially  used  as a   associated  with  God’s  kingdom  (Ps.  149:3;  150:4;  Je.
               weapon  of  war;  a knife.  The  one  used  by  Ehud  was   31:4, 13). The reason  no dancing is  mentioned  in  the
               roughly  18 inches  long and  double edged  (Jud. 3:16).   N.T.  is  probably  because  this  is the period  of  Christ’s
               [Military.]                                       rejection  and  exile. The  Bridegroom  is  away  in  a  far
                  DAGON. [See Idolatry.]                         country (Mt. 9:14-15). Contrast this  with Re. 19:7, the
                                                                 marriage of the Lamb. Then  will come the time to “be
                  DAILY. (1) Each  day (Ex. 5:13;  16:5; Mt. 6:11; Ac.   glad and rejoice,” and the joyful dancing referred to  in
               2:46). (2) The whole day;  all day long (Ps. 61:1-2; Je.   Psalm  149 and  150 and  Jeremiah  31  will  begin!  [See
               20:7-8).                                          Cheer, Heaven, Joy, Millennium, Music, Rejoice.]
                  DAINTIES.  Delicious;  pleasurable;  sumptuous  (Ge.   DANDLE. To  play with; to delight in; to  rock or toss
               49:20; Job 33:20; Ps. 141:4; Pr. 23:3; Re. 18:14).   as a child (Is. 66:12).
                  DALAIAH (Jehovah is deliverer). 1 Ch. 3:24.      DANIEL (God  is my judge). The prophet who  wrote
                  DALE. Deep place; valley (Ge. 14:17).          the book of the Bible by his  name. He was carried away
                  DALPHON (dropping). Est. 9:7.                  captive to Babylon as  a youth and there became a high
                  DAMNABLE.  Destructive;  condemned  (2  Pe.  2:1).   official  in  the  Babylonian  government  (Da.  1-5).  To
               The term “damnable heresies” refers both to the nature   Daniel  God  revealed  the  main  events   which  would
               of  the  heresies and  to the effect  of  the  heresies. The   happen to  Israel from his  day until the final setting up
               heresies  themselves  are  damnable,  meaning  they  are   of God’s  earthly  kingdom (Da. 6-12).  Some  modernist
               condemned  of  God,  and  they  bring  destruction  and   theologians  have doubted the historicity  of  Daniel, but
               condemnation  upon  those  who  follow  them.  [See   the biblical Daniel attested by the prophet Ezekiel (Eze.
               Damnation, Heresy, Judgment.]                     14:14;  28:3), by  the Lord  Jesus  Christ  (Mt. 24:14-15,
                  DAMNATION.  Judgment  and  punishment;         30;  26:63-64;  Lk.  21:24),  and  by  the  Apostles  (He.
               condemnation. Sometimes  this  term is  used to refer to   11:13). “The Book of Daniel is  especially  fitted to  be a
               the eternal punishment of the unsaved (Mt. 23:14, 23;   battle-field between  faith  and unbelief. It  admits  of no
               Mk.  3:29;  Jn.  5:29;  2  Th. 2:12).  Sometimes  it  refers   half measures. It  is either  Divine or an  imposture” (Dr.
               only  to  judgment  in  a  general  sense  to  which  even   Pusey, quoted by Hodgkin in Christ in All the Scriptures,
               Christians  are subject (Ro. 13:2;  14:23; 1 Co. 11:29; 1   p. 189). [See Inspiration.]
               Ti.  5:12).  [See  Condemnation,  Damned,  Hell,    The  question  uppermost  in  the  mind  of  Jewish
               Judgment.]                                        survivors  of God’s  judgment in Daniel’s day was  this: Is
                  DAMNED.  Condemned;  judged  (Mk.  16:16;  2  Th.   it all over for Israel? Has  Israel been forever cast aside?
               2:12).  The  same Greek  word  is  frequently  translated   Will  she  ever  gain  the  glorious,  eternal  kingdom
               “condemn” (Mt. 12:7, 37, 41, 42; 20:18; 27:3; Ro. 2:1;   promised  in  the  covenants   and  affirmed  by  the
               etc.). The  terms  “damned”  and  “condemned”  refer  to   prophets? Will the heathen  always rule over  Palestine?
               judgment  in  general  and  not  exclusively  to  eternal   It  seems  God  raised  up   Daniel  especially  as   His
               judgment. In Ro. 14:23 we are told that the Christian is   mouthpiece to answer  these questions. The first vision
               condemned if  he does  not  live by  faith. This  does  not   recorded in  Daniel gives  a centuries’ broad  panorama,
               mean he loses  his  salvation; it means  he is  judged of the   spanning  the  entire  period  of  Gentile  dominion  over
               Lord  in  this   life.  [See  Condemnation,  Damnation,   Israel  until  the  final  establishment  of  the  Messianic
               Eternal Security, Judgment.]                      kingdom. God wants  His  people and the world to know
                                                                 that things are not  over  for  Israel. She shall yet  reign
                  DAN (judge). A son of Jacob and the father of a tribe   over the world, but God’s plan calls for many centuries
               of Israel (Ge. 30:6; Nu. 10:25; Jos. 13:3).       of  Gentile dominion  before this occurs.  This  period  is
                  DANCING.  There  are  two  types   of  dancing   called “the times of the Gentiles” (Lk. 21:24).
               mentioned  in  the  Bible: worldly  dancing  and  spiritual   Following  this   encouraging  panoramic  vision  in
               dancing.  Worldly  dancing  is   practiced  by  men  and   Daniel chapter  two,  the  book records  details  of  God’s
               women  together  and  is  associated  with  sin  and   plan  for the times  of the Gentiles, of His protection of
               immorality  (Ex. 32:19;  Job  21:7, 11-12;  1  Sa. 30:16;   the nation  Israel  through  these times, and of the final
               Mt.  14:6).  Spiritual  dancing  is  practiced  privately  or   restitution  of Israel’s  kingdom.  God  is  shown  to be  in

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