Page 171 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
P. 171
By this example in Acts chapter six, we can give the of a new pastor. The deacons often assume guidance of
following definition to the term “deacon”: Deacons are the church in such cases.
men who are selected to be in a special position of 1. Be exceedingly careful about accepting or giving
servitude to the pastor and to the church, continually an accusation against a pastor. “Against an elder receive
watchful and helpful in any way necessary to free the not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses” (1
pastor for his God-given duties. Ti. 5:19). There are always disgruntled people around
THE DEACON’S AUTHORITY. Nowhere in the N.T. are that Satan will try to use to destroy the pastor’s ministry.
deacons referred to as rulers in the church, and Murmuring against a pastor, or fault-finding and
nowhere are they seen ruling over the pastors. Deacons gossiping behind his back is evil and will be judged by
are not rulers! Of course, there are times when the God if not repented of. “Grudge not one against another,
deacons or other men in the church must assume brethren, lest ye be condemned: behold, the judge
control. An example would be in the absence of a pastor standeth before the door” (James 5:9). No action should
or when a pastor has sinned or failed so seriously as to ever be taken against a pastor except upon the
be disciplined or expelled. But even in such cases, the testimony of at least two reputable, godly witnesses.
deacons or others involved in guiding the church during 2. Attempt correction and restoration; if this fails, the
a crisis must remember that their role and authority is erring pastor must be dismissed from the church just as
only temporary. When the church again has a God- in the case of any other unrepentant member. 1
called, qualified pastor, the leadership of the church Corinthians chapter five and Titus 3:10-11 apply to
must be relinquished to him by the deacons and any anyone in the church, including a leader. In addition,
others involved in leadership during the crisis. there is the instruction of 1 Timothy 5:19-21. We should
The terms “pastor,” “elder,” and “bishop” are used also note that while any sin can be forgiven if confessed
interchangeably in the N.T. and refer to the office of the and forsaken, there are types of sin that permanently
same man. The different words are used to describe the disqualified a man from certain offices in the church.
three aspects of his office—shepherding, instructing, Examples would be adultery, divorce, or polygamy,
and leading. A pastor is the only officer in the church which render the man incapable of fulfilling the
who has Bible authority to exercise oversight. He is qualifications as a pastor or deacon.
called the bishop, which means overseer. The elders in 3. Do not usurp or replace God’s order of pastoral
the church at Ephesus were also called the overseers authority and oversight in the church. There is a normal
(compare Ac. 20:17 with 20:28). In the N.T. no other tendency for a church to want to set up a human system
church officer is ever given this title. Deacons are never of checks and balances on the pastor’s authority after
referred to as overseers, rulers, or leaders. A church experiencing a failure or abuse of such. For example, the
must never set up overseers over the overseer! deacons sometimes take control of the church on a
Anytime a committee or board of deacons or other permanent basis and retain ultimate authority over the
men set themselves up over the pastor in authority, pastor. Sometimes the strongest families in the church
rather than placing themselves in submission under his assume control; sometimes in a blatant, public manner;
God-assigned position, the men involved are sinning but more often in a subtle, “behind the scenes” manner.
and are in rebellion to the Word of God. In other cases, the biggest financial givers and
Of course, if a pastor is living in unrepentant sin or is businessmen will take control of church affairs, ruling
teaching error, the deacons and/or other mature men in over the pastor and congregation, either publicly or
the church must rise up and exercise biblical discipline from behind the scenes.
to whatever extent the situation requires. This is an Why This Is Wrong? 1. Only God can call a man to be
unusual occasion, though, and as soon as the problem is the pastor of a church (Acts 20:28; Ep. 4:11). Christians
settled and a qualified man is again in the position of have no authority to call a pastor, really. God must call;
pastor, the final reins of authority and oversight must be the church’s job is to recognize God’s call and God’s
given into his hands. In the N.T. we read about elders man. That is what biblical ordination is. It is the
ruling well (1 Ti. 5:17), but one will search in vain for a recognition of God’s gifts and calling upon a man (Acts
reference to deacons ruling well—because they are not 13:1-4). 2. Only pastors are spoken of as overseers of
supposed to rule! the church. Nowhere in the New Testament are deacons
What should a church do if pastoral authority has been or unordained men called the rulers of the church, and
abused, or if the pastor has failed in his ministry? nowhere is there an example of such men assuming a
While considering the deacon’s authority, it would be position of oversight. What we have said earlier bears
well to discuss the discipline of a pastor or the selection repeating. Pastors are to be the rulers, and the rulers are
not to have overseers!
Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity 171