Page 173 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               man  with  a  beer  or  a  glass  of  wine  in  his  hand  is   the devil is  said  to be the accuser  of  the brethren. He
               ignoring  these  warnings.  Even  Old  Testament  priests   loves to say  evil things  about people with  a malicious
               and  kings  were  required  to abstain  from  intoxicating   goal  of  hurting  them.  Slandering  refers  to  gossiping,
               drinks  (see Lev. 10:8-11; Pr. 31:4-5), and we believe the   backbiting,  and  other  hurtful  conversation,  especially
               same requirement is  expected of New Testament church   that which is untruthful and mean-spirited. Please note
               leaders.  “Not  greedy  of  filthy  lucre”  requires  that  the   that it is  not gossiping for pastors’ and deacons’ wives to
               deacon  be  a  man  who is not  covetous, not  greedy  of   discuss  the spiritual welfare of people in a godly manner
               personal  gain,  not  worldly-minded  regarding  money   so  that  help can  be given  to them and  others can  be
               and possessions.                                  protected  from  possible  harm.  Gossip  and  slander
                  (3) Sound in the N.T. Faith (1 Ti. 3:9). The “mystery   involve  deception,  untruth,  and  an  injurious  attitude
               of the faith” refers  to the body of sound teaching found   and purpose. To “speak the truth in love” is  not gossip
               in the New Testament Scriptures.                  (Ep. 4:15). To admonish or reprove people is  not gossip
                  (4)  Mature  and  Proven  (1  Ti.  3:10).  God  requires   (Ro.  15:14;  Ep.  5:11). To discuss  and  report  spiritual
               that the pastor  and  the deacon  demonstrate their  zeal   and moral problems  is not gossip  (1 Co. 1:11; 5:1). All
               and  faithfulness  to Christ and  the work  of  the church   of  these are  legitimate  aspects of  a  spiritual  life and
               PRIOR  TO  ordination.  God’s   way  is  for  men  to   be   ministry.  Slander,  though,  is  forbidden.  The  deacon’s
               proven  BEFORE they  are placed into a special position   wife must be a woman who is especially  careful about
               in the church, not BY being placed into a position! Some   her  conversation and attitude toward people. Otherwise
               churches attempt  to  prove men  by  placing  them  into   she can easily  hurt  her  church  and  ruin  her  husband’s
               responsible positions  and hoping they will make it. That   ministry  with  her  tongue. THE WIFE MUST  BE SOBER.
               is   backwards   and  unscriptural.  The  unproven  man   To  be “sober” in  this context means  to be in control of
               should  work alongside a mature man  and be discipled   one’s mind and  life with the goal of pleasing God and
               and  trained  by  that  man;  and  if  he  demonstrates his   fulfilling His  will. It refers  to one who  is not controlled
               faithfulness  and qualification and calling, THEN he can   by  evil influences, as  the drunken  person is controlled
               be  placed  into   a  position.  Proving  must  precede   by alcohol. This would also  include many other things:
               ordination.                                       drugs (except for  proper medical purposes); unspiritual
                  (5)  Spiritual  Wife  (1  Ti.  3:11).  The  same   music such as rock and roll, country/western, and most
                                                                 modern  pop  music;  unwholesome  radio  or  television
               qualifications  are  given  for  the  wives of  both  pastors   programs,  such  as  the wicked  and  vain  “soap operas”
               and deacons. The man’s  wife is a very important part of   that dwell on and  glorify  lying, adultery, drunkenness,
               his  life  and  ministry,  and  her  spiritual  condition  will   etc;  unwholesome  “romance”  novels;  or  any  other
               greatly  affect the man and  his  work. Unspiritual wives   influence  which  would  draw  one’s  mind  away  from
               of pastors or deacons  can pollute the spiritual condition   conscious fellowship with  Christ and  the things  of  our
               of the entire congregation. Consider the four words Paul   holy God. God’s Word requires that the deacon’s wife be
               uses to describe the  qualified  pastor  or  deacon’s wife:   in  control  of  herself;  be  sober.  THE  WIFE  MUST  BE
               THE  WIFE  MUST  BE  GRAVE.  “It  speaks  of  that   FAITHFUL  IN  ALL  THINGS.  In  a  word,  this  is   God’s
               combination  of  gravity  and  dignity  which  invites  the   standard for  the wife of a church officer. She must be a
               reverence of others” (W.E. Vine). The wife of the deacon   faithful Christian woman in all aspects  of her life, in her
               is  to be the type of Christian lady who lives  her life with   home, in her ministry, in the church, toward the lost.
               a godly seriousness of purpose. Her life is  the kind that
               causes  others  to respect her spiritually and morally. This   (6) Wholesome Family Life (1 Ti. 3:12). Notice that
               does  not  mean,  of  course,  that  she  has  no  sense  of   God  requires that the deacon  be a  man  who rules  his
               humor.  It  is  referring  to  a  serious-minded,  dignified,   household  “well.”  He must  be  a  godly,  biblical  father
               grave manner of life, not a depressed personality. Spirit-  and  husband  with  a  good  family  life.  There  is   no
               filled women have many  types  of personalities, but one   requirement  here  of  perfection.  Who,  then,  would
               thing they all have in common is a spiritual dignity that   qualify! God simply  gives  us a reasonable standard for
               causes   others   to  look  upon  them  with  respect.  The   the church officer. He must be doing a good job  in his
               spiritual  “gravity”  of  the  qualified  pastor  or  deacon’s   home. There is where the “real man” can be found. This
               wife causes  other women  to accept her  teaching (Titus   is  where he lets down the guard and the pretense and is
               2:2-4) and to seek her  counsel. It is  very  important for   what he really  is. If a man cannot guide his own home
               the spiritual health of the congregation that women like   properly, he has  no  business  trying to guide an  entire
               this  are  behind  the  pastors  and  deacons.  THE  WIFE   church. Any  serious  problems in  the  home  should  be
               MUST NOT BE A  SLANDERER. The Greek word used for   worked  out  before  a  man  is considered  for  a  church
               “slander”  in  1  Timothy  3:11  is  used  elsewhere  of  the   office. Every man faces various  kinds  of problems  in his
               devil. The  word  means “accuser.” In  Revelation  12:10   relationship   with  wife  and  children.  Every  man  has

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