Page 177 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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DECEIVABLENESS. Deceptiveness (2 Th. 2:10). consent of the owner; to cheat (Webster) (Le. 19:13; 1
DECENTLY. Properly; becomingly; in a manner Sa. 12:3-4; Mk. 10:19; 1 Co. 6:7-8; 7:5; 2 Co. 7:2; 1 Th.
befitting people naming the name of Christ; in 4:6). [See Extortion, Steal.]
accordance with the Word of God (1 Co. 14:40). The DEGREE. (1) Mark on a clock; step; point of
Greek word is also translated “honestly” (Ro. 13:13), measurement (2 Ki. 20:9). (2) Position; grade of
“comeliness” (1 Co. 12:23), and “honourable” (Mk. dignity; station; rank (1 Ch. 17:17; Ps. 62:9; Lk. 1:52; 1
15:43). Ti. 3:13; Ja. 1:9).
DECLARE. (1) Speak; pronounce (Jos. 20:4; 1 Ki. DEITY. Pertaining to God; divinity. [See Lord, Jesus
22:13; Jn. 17:26). (2) Explain (Ge. 41:24; Ju. 14:12; Christ, El Shaddai, Jehovah.]
De. 1:5; Mt. 13:36). DEKAR (lance bearer). 1 Ki. 4:9.
DECLINE. (1) To turn aside; to follow a wrong path DELAIAH (Jehovah is deliverer). 1 Ch. 24:18.
(Ex. 23:2; De. 17:11; Job 23:11; Ps. 44:18; Pr. 7:25). DELECTABLE. Desirable; delightful (Is. 44:9).
(2) To go down; to lean downward; to draw to a close
DELICATE. (1) Dainty; luxurious; effeminate (Je.
(Ps. 102:11; 109:23). 6:2). (2) Cheerfully; pleasantly; walking in state;
DECREE. A proclamation; a law (Ezr. 5:17; Es. 2:8; haughtily (1 Sa. 15:32). (3) In pleasure and wealth (Lk.
Da. 4:17; 6:7). 7:25).
DEDAN (low). Ge. 10:7. DELICATELY, DELICATENESS. Walking in state;
DEDICATE. To set apart and consecrate to God or to haughtily; cheerfully; pleasantly; luxuriously (1 Sa.
a sacred purpose; to devote to a sacred use; to 15:32; La. 4:5; Lk. 7:25).
appropriate solemnly to any person or purpose; to give DELICATES. Delicacies; dainties (Je. 51:34).
wholly or chiefly to; consecrate; devote; appropriate
(Webster). There are two Hebrew words translated DELICIOUSLY. To live wantonly; to gratify the lusts;
“dedicate” in the O.T. Chanak is translated “dedicate” luxuriously (Re. 18:7, 9).
four times (De. 20:5; 1 Ki. 8:63; 2 Ch. 7:5). It is also DELIGHT. To affect with great pleasure; to please
translated “train up” in Pr. 2:6. Qadesh is translated highly; to give or afford high satisfaction or joy
“dedicate” 10 times (2 Sa. 8:11; 1 Ch. 26:27; 2 Ch. 2:4). (Webster) (Ge. 34:19; Nu. 14:8; 1 Sa. 15:22). The child
This is the same Hebrew word commonly translated of God delights in God (Ps. 37:4); in the Word of God
“holy,” “consecrate,” and “sanctify.” [See Holy, (Ps. 1:1; 119:16, 24, 35, 47, 70, 77, 174); in the will of
Sanctification.] God (40:8); in the comforts of God (Ps. 94:19). The
DEED, IN VERY. [See In Very Deed.] wicked delights in lies (Ps. 62:4); scorning (Pr. 1:22);
frowardness (Pr. 2:14). God delights in obeying His
DEEM. To suspect (Ac. 27:27). voice (1 Sa. 15:22); a just weight (Pr. 11:1); such as are
DEEP. (1) Deep waters (Ge. 1:2; 7:11; 8:2; Job upright (Pr. 11:20); they that deal truly (Pr. 12:22); the
41:31; Ps. 69:15; 107:24; 135:6; Is. 51:10; Jon. 2:3; Lk. prayer of the upright (Pr. 15:8); lovingkindness,
5:4; 2 Co. 11:25). (2) Descending far downward; low in judgment, and righteousness (Je. 9:24). “Delight” in Pr.
situation; the opposite of shallow (Ps. 69:2; 140:10). 19:10 refers to the luxurious living and rank and
(3) That which is profound, not easily fathomed, privilege of those who rule. “Delight” is compared in the
difficult to comprehend (Ps. 36:6; 64:6; 92:5; Pr. 20:5; second half of the verse with having “rule over princes.”
Ec. 7:24; Da. 2:22). (4) Not easily broken or disturbed, The Hebrew word translated “delight” here (taanuwg) is
as a deep sleep (Ge. 2:21; 15:12; 1 Sa. 26:12; Da. 8:18; also translated “delicate” (Mi. 1:16) and
Ac. 20:9). “pleasant” (Song 7:6; Mi. 2:9). “Delight is a thing that
DEEPNESS. Depth (Mt. 13:5). all men wish to enjoy, but when a fool is furnished with
DEFAME. To speak injuriously; to slander (1 Co. every means of pleasure, his folly is heightened into
4:13). [See Blaspheme, Evil Speaking.] madness, and he is found to be seven times more a fool
DEFENCED. Fortified; applied to walled towns (Is. than he appeared to be when he was in other
25:2; 27:10; 36:1). The Hebrew word is frequently circumstances” (George Lawson, Exposition of Proverbs).
rendered “fenced.” [See Cheer, Comfort, Glad, Happy, Joy, Laughter, Merry,
DEFER, DEFERRED. Delay; hesitate; procrastinate; Mirth, Music, Rejoice.]
put off (Ge. 34:19; Pr. 13:12; 19:11; Ec. 5:4; Is. 48:9; DELIGHTSOME. Pleasant; desirable; delightful (Mal.
Ac. 24:22). 3:12). [See Delight.]
DEFRAUD. To deprive of right; either by obtaining DELILAH (lustful). Ju. 16:4-18.
something by deception or artifice, or by taking DELUGE. A name for the great flood of Noah’s day.
something wrongfully without the knowledge or [See Ark, Flood.]
Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity 177