Page 180 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               Disciple  is  the  word  most  often  used  in  the  N.T.  to   timing  of  future  events,  etc.  [See  also   Allegorical,
               describe  those  who  follow  Jesus  Christ.  The  Great   Church  Prophecy,  Covenant,  Daniel,  Day,  Double
               Commission is to  result in the multiplication of disciples   Fulfillment,  Great  Tribulation,  Kingdom  of  God,
               (Mt. 28:18-20).                                   Millennium, Prophecy, Revelation, Times.]
                  DISCIPLES OF CHRIST. [See Churches of Christ.]   DISPOSED.  Desire;  intention  (Ac.  18:27;  1  Co.
                  DISCIPLINE.  [See  Admonish,  Chasten,  Child   10:27).
               Training,  Church  Discipline,  Convince,  Correction,   DISPOSITION.  Arrangement;  appointment;
               Counsel,  Exhort, Guidance,  Instruct,  Rebuke,  Reproof,   ministration (Ac. 7:53).
               Suffering, Trials.]                                 DISPOSSESS. To take possession (Nu. 32:39).
                  DISCOMFIT. To trouble; to weaken; to beat down; to   DISPUTE,  DISPUTATION.  Reasoning;  debating  (Ac.
               disintegrate; break up; disperse (Ex. 17:13; Jos. 10:10).   15:2;  Ro.  14:1).  Truth  has   always   involved  conflict.
                  DISCOVER.  To  uncover  (De.  22:30;  Job 12:22;  Pr.   There are wrong conflicts, of course, and there is a right
               25:9).                                            way and a wrong way to  enter into conflicts. The Bible
                  DISCREET.  (1)  Intelligent;  understanding  (Ge.   warns  about “doubtful disputations” (Romans  14:1) and
               41:33). (2)  Of  sound  mind;  self-controlled  (Tit.  2:5).   “murmurings and disputings” (Ph. 2:14), and “perverse
               This  Greek word, sophron, is also translated “sober” (2   disputings”  (1  Ti. 6:5). There are  proper  disputations,
               Co. 5:13; Tit. 2:6; 1 Pe. 4:7) and “temperate” (Tit. 2:2).   though,  and  that  is  in  the  line  of  preaching  and
               (3)  With  understanding  (Mk.  12:34).  [See  Chaste,   defending God’s Word with a sincere heart to know the
               Modesty, Sober, Temperance.]                      truth for one’s  self and to  help others  know the truth. In
                  DISCRETION. Good sense; wisdom; thoughtfulness;   Acts   15:1-2  Paul  and  Barnabas  disputed  with  the
               judgment (Pr. 1:4; 2:11; 3:21; 5:2; 11:22; 19:11).  Judaizers. In Acts  15:6-7 the Apostles and elders in the
                  DISHAN (leaping). Ge. 36:21.                   church  of  Jerusalem  disputed  the  doctrine  of
                                                                 justification  and  the  place  of  the  O.T.  law  in  the
                  DISPATCH. To cut off; to cut down (Eze. 23:47).  Christian life. In Acts  17:17 Paul disputed with the Jews
                  DISPENSATION.  Administration  of  a  house  or   in Athens. In  Acts 19:8-9 Paul disputed  in Ephesus  for
               property; management  (1  Co. 9:17). In  Ep. 1:10; 3:2;   two years in  his efforts to  preach  the  Gospel  to that
               and Col. 1:25 “dispensation” refers to  the administration   region. [See Anger, Contend, Debate, Controversy, False
               of  God’s  eternal  plan  (Zodhiates).  [See      Teaching, Separation, Strife.]
               Dispensationalism.]                                 DISQUIET. To be troubled (1 Sa. 28:15).
                  DISPENSATIONALISM.  The teaching  that  God  has   DISSEMBLE.  Deception;  hypocrisy  (Jos.  7:11;  Pr.
               had different plans  for different periods  of time in man’s   26:24;  Ga.  2:13).  [See  Beguile,  Cunning,  Cunning
               history. A dispensation is  a period of time in which God   Craftiness, Deceit, Dissimulation, Doubletongued, False
               is  working out a particular aspect of His  eternal will. By   Witness,  Feign,  Flattery,  Flattering  Titles,  Guile,
               one system the Bible is divided into  seven dispensations:   Hypocrisy, Sincere, Sleight, Subtil, Unfeigned, Winketh.]
               (1) Innocency (Ge. 1-2). (2) Conscience (Ge. 3-7). (3)   DISSENSION.  Disagreement  in  opinion,  usually  a
               Human government (Ge. 8-11). (4)  Promise (Ge. 12—  disagreement which is violent, producing warm debates
               Ex. 18). (5) Law (Ex. 19—Mal.). (6) Church (Mt. 1—  or  angry  words;  contention  in  words;  strife;  discord;
               Re. 19).  (7) Kingdom  (Re. 20-22). While we may  not   quarrel; breach of friendship and union  (Webster) (Ac.
               agree  with  the  exact  division  and  naming  of  the   15:2; 23:7, 10). [See Anger, Strife, Variance.]
               dispensations  and  with  every  detail  of  any  one
               dispensational  system,  it  is   plain  that  God  has   DISSIMULATION.  Hypocrisy;  hiding  under  a  false
               dispensations  in  the  sense  of  dealing  with  man  in   appearance;  feigning.  Dissimulation  may  be  simply
               different  ways  in  different  eras.  Man  is  no  longer   concealment of the opinions, sentiments or purpose; but
               tending the Garden of Eden, or building arks, or setting   it includes  also the  assuming  of  a  false  or  counterfeit
               up tabernacles, or  offering animal sacrifices, or  rearing   appearance which conceals  the real opinions  or purpose
               magnificent temples. Creation is  over; the Flood is over;   (Webster) (Ro. 12:9; Ga. 2:13). [See Beguile, Cunning,
               the Law is  over; Pentecost is  over. It is apparent that we   Cunning Craftiness, Deceit, Dissemble, Doubletongued,
               have moved from the Mosaic dispensation to  the Church   False  Witness,  Feign,  Flattery,  Flattering  Titles,  Guile,
               dispensation.  These  are all examples of  dispensational   Honest,  Hypocrisy,  Pure  Conscience,  Purloin,  Satan,
               divisions  in  God’s program.  Those who interpret Bible   Sincere, Sleight, Subtil, Unfeigned, Winketh.]
               prophecy literally and see Israel’s kingdom as something   DISSOLVE. (1) Melt;  consume; destroy  (Job 30:22;
               yet  future  are  dispensationalists,  though  among  these   Ps. 75:3; Is. 24:19; 34:4; 2 Co. 5:1; 2 Pe. 3:11, 12). (2)
               there  are  many  differences  pertaining  to  how  many   Resolve ( Da. 5:16).
               dispensations there are, how they  are to be divided, the

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